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  1.  You know, the year's already chaotic enough as it is. Too much is going on in the country, let alone the world. Far too many beloved celebrities have left this world, and we are all still feeling the wounds. Yet a lot of us are finding some positives out there. For me, it's waiting oh so patiently for the start of the NFL season, as well as joining some Fantasy Football leagues and hoping to win one again. Even as things are running wild, I--like many other people--am finding some enjoyment in something good and positive.

    And then Blabette's no-good and ugly head just had to pop up again. Oh dear, oh dear...

    For those who remember, Blabette is a nut job who has been defending Jonathan Majors WAAAAAAY better than Connor Hellebuyck defended the net against the Colorado Avalanche in the playoffs. She lives in this Bizarro World where Jonathan Majors is an innocent man instead of what he really is:  a disgusting abuser. Even worse, Blabette will pick on and target anyone and everyone who lets the truth get in the way of her insane narrative. And worse than that, she has a posse of pro-Majors sycophants who help her do her dirty work. This past blog calls out all of Blabette's bullsh*t from December of 2023, and I remember it very well. Part of her bullsh*t had Blabette delusionally claiming that myself and Miley were the same person. Yeah, so according to Blabette, I'm a White woman and Miley's a Black man. Riiiight... If she believed that, I have a bridge in Orange, California that I could sell her cheap. And Blabette also dug up some slanderous blogs and passed them off as truth, and she did it because Miley doesn't support Majors, and she's friends with someone Blabette chooses to hate. Blabette has also teamed up with pro-Depp people to attack those who don't support Majors, yet she claims to be pro-Amber Heard. Yeah, Blabette's full of sh*t. Here's the blog:

    So what are Blabette and her dumb f**k posse up to now? The same thing they do every night, Pinky:  try to bully people into believing that Jonathan Majors isn't an abuser, when he actually is! Blabette's bullsh*t was also called out by Casey:


    And here's an archive of the exact screenshot:  https://archive.is/DYLmm

    Blabette has targeted Miley before, and she's targeted myself as well--she's even gone as far as saying that Miley and I are the same person. Even crazier, Blabette's b***hES have been doing her dirty work as well. First off, an archive link of one such dumbass targeting Miley (on behalf of Blabette):  https://archive.is/mmcLh

    And here's another b***h of Blabette's spouting the pro-Majors propaganda:  https://archive.is/jP29A

    Blabette's slander against Casey--very hideous stuff:  https://archive.is/X6pbK

    But look at this! Blabette seems to be backtracking on Majors. Seems to be easing off on her stance. What the f**k is she trying to pull here? Plausible deniability? Or does she have a split personality? You be the judge:  https://archive.is/DSozG

    Thanks to Casey, who collected the evidence--that which she found by looking at "AmberMera007," who happens to be someone I was tweeting with about Majors. The link:  https://archive.is/uIdGm

    And the evidence came from these tweets from "AmberMera007":




    And here are the hidden replies that further prove the connection:  https://archive.is/hs2Hp

    Regarding the hidden replies, here's where they came from:  https://x.com/AmberMera007/status/1815241826695307648

    As I was putting the finishing touches on this blog, something clicked on my mind. The same people who were bothering myself and Miley were also starting to bother "AmberMera007." All that proves that Blabette is a habitual offender and an attention wh**e. Also, another thing:  from what I've seen, "AmberMera007" hasn't said one nasty thing to Blabette, but yet Blabette has had her posse target her a bit lately. That should tell you all you need to know about the type of human being Blabette is, and in Blabette's case, I use the phrase "human being" very, very loosely. If I was "AmberMera007," I'd do the smart thing and block that picky b***h. But I'm not one to say who should follow or block who.

    Seriously, Blabette needs to stop being a thing. She needs to get a life and stop obsessively defending abusers. She also needs to stop f**king with people who tell it like it is and state facts. Blabette is delusional, crazy, and flat out stupid for defending Jonathan Majors. And she's a horrible human being for trying to bully people in to defending that abuser. Blabette needs to GET A LIFE!

  2. The PapaJohns restaurant at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" should be avoided at all costs. Watch the below videos for the gist of it. You don't have to be logged into Tiktok to watch them.


    I've made efforts to contact the PapaJohns store at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" only to be met with an unwillingness to help. Another attempt I made to try and work things out was met with being called the racist N word, "Don't act like such a N*****" and I was told that it's not their responsibility or problem once it is in the hands of DoorDash. I explained I placed the order via PapaJohns website. The one I spoke with repeated themselves and I told them I also didn't appreciate the use of racist language. I was called a hostile c**t and was hung up on. Considering the low background noise, I assume they were in back of the restaurant.


    I've tried to work things out by talking to PapaJohns via Twitter (aka "X"), but they've shown an unwillingness to even try to help. Their solution is to try to send me in a neverending loop hoping I would shut up and drop it. It's heavily implied. They tell me they put in my request for a refund for that pizza. In an email they tell me it's the restaurant's problem and to talk to them. I was told this despite them known full well how the restaurant treated me. PapaJohns is pretty much trying to get out of giving me a refund for that pizza.



    Here's the email, in question, that I was sent that was shown in the second TikTok and spoke of above.


    This email is so scripted!



    For the heck of it, I took a look at the reviews for the PapaJohns at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" on Facebook.


    There's something odd about the few good ones. So few words. Very little detail about why they recommend that store. The reviews that contain complaints gave reason and some details.



    I've had issues with PapaJohns before. But I've always let it go after resolution and tried to be adult about it. I've given them chance after chance. To be honest, it's mainly because of this one driver there that's delivered for them for the last 30 (or close) years. That guy was always awesome and decent.

    I've seen other drivers speed through my neighborhood. One of them did so (white car) as he mowed down a mama duck and her babies. I complained about it. I was lied to claiming their systems show their driver wasn't speeding. They dodged the issue. The area manager (Nick Arturo) got in contact with me and accused me, and a neighbor of mine, of lying. I blogged about it on a friend's forum site (similar to this one). Nick Arturo joined there. He made nasty comments toward me. Also towards my friend, whom he's been rude to before. Luckily he was banned. Eventually my friend had to shut down her forum site due to severe harassment and attacks. Much of which came from those known to Nick Arturo. Some from him. My only dealings with him was a few nasty comments. Others dealt with worse.

    Back in May 2024, I made a big order. I couldn't eat any of it because my big male tabby got sick. After I tended to him the order was stone cold. A friend of mine felt sorry for me and was going to let me use her card to place the same order the next day. As I was placing it I was asked why the same order before. I explained it was because my big tabby male got sick and tending to him was a priority. Guy laughed and called him a stupid cat. So I hung up. I tried contacting PapaJohns via Twitter (aka "X"). They pretty much blew me off because an order was not placed.

    I could go on, but I would be here all night. Of all the employees at the Papa Johns at "38C Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, FL" I would say they only got 2 good employees left. This one female manager (forgot her name) and this one driver that has delivered for them for about 3 decades. The chances of those 2 good souls working when I have a craving are slim to almost none. Calling the store to ask, considering how many rude crude employees are there, is not a good idea. So this might be the final nail in the coffin for me regarding that particular PapaJohns. Maybe PapaJohns altogether considering how their customer support treats customers.

  3. Joey Camp is no longer in Belize. He's in Mexico. He's still continuing his online assault of Police Commissioner Chester Williams of the Belize PD, "ThatDaneshGuy", and Dr James McGibney of Bullyville. One of his most common claims about the latter 2 is his false claim that they're pedophiles. Dr James McGibney and "ThatDaneshGuy" are not pedophiles. He's also continuously making bold claims of things he claims responsibility in order to make himself appear powerful.


    Some of Joey Camp's bragging and bold claims to make himself appear more powerful. Joey Camp is known for manipulation, lying, twisting words, and boasting.





    Joey Camp's attempts to play victim.





    Obviously twisted words and false claims made by Joey Camp.





    Joey Camp's attempts at distraction and deflection. Also what gives the impression he has something to hide.





    Joey Camp's threats against the country of Belize and/or to cripple (hurt) its economy.





    Joey Camp's attempts to threaten and/or intimidate "ThatDaneshGuy", Dr James McGibney of Bullyville, and police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams of the Belize PD.





    Joey Camp using children, or "putting them out there", for his own personal agenda.






    What I have shown above is only a tiny portion of misdeeds, harassment, threats, and stalking that Joey Camp has been up to since my last blog.


    There's ALOT to Joey Camp. For further, more up to date, and more detailed information regarding his criminal activity... keep an eye on the following individuals's social media accounts.

  4. Yesterday as I was browsing NextDoor, I came upon something that was so disgusting and vile that I couldn't believe it was up on Next Door. I posted a single tweet about it and left out censored the very very graphic pictures that Katie Pierce had posted.


    ARCHIVE of tweet: https://archive.is/d7uj6

    ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE BELOW TWEET (minus the hastags): Nextdoor is allowing this woman to post graphic pictures of a dead cat and doing nothing. But heaven forbid if someone speaks up about toxic mods, they get suspended! What sickens me is how this woman talks like she is a saint doing a good thing. Even sicker is how so many are saying she did a kind thing. A few people did call her out on the graphic nature of the photos. She responded in a threatening manner. I wouldn’t put it past someone like this to delete her nasty replies and suddenly change out the photos to feign innocence. Nextdoor allows this post to stay up. They allow their mods to abuse people. And they censor so many.




    Today when I go on NextDoor, I get this.




    I posted a tweet about it. I felt I had no choice but to give a basic description of the horrific pictures posted by Katie Pierce considering NextDoor is REFUSING to do anything about it.


    ARCHIVE of tweet: https://archive.is/kTB7G

    ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE BELOW TWEET (minus the hastags): Apparently “Katie Pierce” has friends that are moderators because a picture she posted of a cat with its head bashed in and insides hanging out is allowed on NextDoor!




    The pictures from the tweet I posted today at 6:24pm ET.





    So, Katie Pierce hasn't broken the guidelines according to NextDoor. It is beyond sick and depraved that NextDoor would allow someone to post such graphic pictures on NextDoor and do nothing about it. Even worse that they'd refuse to remove them. It's bad enough that NextDoor protects moderators engaging in shady behavior and censoring others. But NextDoor allowing very graphic pictures of a dead cat to be posted is way beyond depraved.


    By NextDoor's own rules, the content should be removed. I've seen people suspended for so much less. Yet, no consequences for Katie Pierce. I guess she has friends on the mod team protecting her, and her account, that are okay with very graphic pics of a dead cat.


    NextDoor use to be a great place to converse and get to know neighbors. The direction it's heading in...is not a good one...to put it mildly.

  5. I had decided to ask a simple question to be sure if The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story was about that woman that had harassed herself in the late 1970s.


    Someone then chose to respond to me "crying SPOILER" with a sarcastic thanks.



    This was my response. I felt as if the sternness and tough love was necessary.



    Complaining about spoilers regarding a movie based on a true story is ridiculous because it's based on something that has happened that any one person can easily read up about. 


    Another point, I was asking a basic question. A basic question is not a spoiler. A question about a movie's plot, to see if it's the right movie, is not a spoiler.

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    Very early yesterday morning, I decided to try out the demo for the game "Massacre At The Mirage". While the demo was short, it was so fun!


    There was some jump scare moments. Especially involving the creepy clown. Oh I loved the creepy clown. This game has major Terrifier vibes, which is part of its wonderful horror charm.


    My playing through the demo of Massacre At The Mirage.





    If you're a horror fan and/or love jump scares, I strongly suggest giving this game a chance!


    I joined here when my friend @CEDAvsFan recommended it. A blog I read so struck an interest to me. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I finished. I shared this blog on so many places on Facebook.



    It isn't right what Patricia "liar" Silva is doing to Planet Fitness just because she so hates the transgender community!


    I wasn't gonna write a blog, but I so decided to when I saw this. It so made me feel good to see that someone from Planet Fitness taking a stand!




    In one of the places I made a post about that blog above I read, someone replied. So much insight!




    This right here so makes Patricia Silva look like the liar she is! Caroline points out something very important. See how Patricia Silva reacts? She changes her story. Now she says the child looked 12. So much deflection at the end! I believe Caroline is right. So are others. She has a point. Nothing has been heard from that child or their parents.




    I see that my friend @CEDAvsFan so made so many good points with the screenshots I sent him.




    I so think that Planet Fitness should sue Patricia Silva for her lying! She lied about her ban reason. She's lied about a naked child. Planet Fitness should also press charges. An example needs to be made of her and those like her that lie on such a grand level!

  7. Early last year there was a huge fight locally on NextDoor when this Latina woman, named Roxana Sanchez, made a post about a very young child pouring blue paint on her driveway. She was hoping to find the parents so payment for repairs could be worked out. A few people were very rude to her. I stood up for her. I asked them to back off. This one woman, Autumn Leigh Martin, viciously attacked anyone offering the slightest kindness to this woman. I, a woman named Miley, and 1 other bravely stood up to this Autumn. All telling her that being a reviewer (moderator/admin) doesn't give her special privilege to treat people the way she is. Eventually Autumn abused her position to help get Roxana's post removed.


    A Ronald Lamountain had created a post slandering Roxana. Autumn even joined in on the nasty comments. They both went out of their way to shame her. Eventually his post was removed. But it didn't stop there. Ever since then, I've been getting suspended without explanation up until I deleted my NextDoor account 3 months ago. After coming upon X posts by a Casey something linking to Miley's blogs and videos, it made me think of what I went through.


    I still get harassed on Facebook Messenger now and then, but it's lessened since I've found some NextDoor reviewers on there and blocked them.

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    I saw a link to a blog here while I was looking at the X page for NextDoor. So, I thought I would tell my story and look around. This is the blog that was linked that lead me here.

    I was banned permanently from Next Door around the end of the 5th season of The Rookie. I made a post about how I think we need a #Chenford engagement in season 6. I kept it simple. I got alot of responses. Alot of people were all for it. Only 1 person wasn't. One of them was a moderator named Autumn Martin that told me I needed to keep my "stupid sh*t" out of public feed. She told me I should go Mexico and stay there and to take Melissa O'Neil (Lucy on The Rookie) with me. This Autumn Martin appeared to be drunk with the way she was replying to my post and others commenting. I decided to delete it to stop the madness. 


    I sent a private message to Autumn Martin. I asked if she was okay and wanted to talk. I was raised to be the bigger person. She sent me some hateful rant. I blocked her and logged out.


    3 days later, I discovered I was permanently banned. It took a week to find out why. A staff member told me via email that I was banned for harassing a moderator. I explained that the only moderator I ever spoke with was Autumn Martin. I asked to be shown what is deemed as harassment. Apparently  asking if she was okay was deemed sarcastic. Which it wasn't. I ended up with a speech about how saying "are you okay" sarcastically is harassment. I explained over and over it was genuine. That didn't matter.



    I would further protest the ban, but it's not worth my time.

  8. Michigan wins, Washington loses. Consolation prize for the loser: dinner at the White House with Chucky the killer doll.

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    On August 24, 2006, Pluto was downgraded from being a planet to "dwarf planet" by the IAU. The reason Pluto is now a "dwarf planet" is because it has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. Personally I think that isn't a good enough reason to take away Pluto's planetary status. 


    I think that in the case of Pluto, an exception should be made. Also for other planets like it too. Especially if they have moons.


    What many do not know is that is the day Pluto lost its planetary status, less than 5% of the world's astronomers were able to vote.


    I think that what the IAU needs to do is to come together to redefine what it means for a planet to be a planet. 

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