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This and That: What Matters

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My blog on a variety of matters.

Entries in this blog

All on His Own

For the last few days, I have taken some time to think. While I firmly believe in exposing the truth and defending myself, I have come to the conclusion I feel no further need to continue to expose the truth about one Brian J. Kemp any longer. He does a fine job of such all by himself; everytime he speaks.     All previous blogs regarding Brian J. Kemp detailing harassment, lurking/stalking, obsession, and threats.

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Bad Lies, a Deepfake, and False Accusations of Racism

It wasn't that long ago that my friend Clyde had said to me that he would not be surprised if Brian J. Kemp had decided to pull a disappearing act coupled with some extremely outrageous falsehood. Clyde was right. That is exactly what Brian had done yesterday.   The Threads posts. https://archive.is/skb3h https://archive.is/JNTy3     The proof of the Tiktoks' existence. https://archive.is/GMYpm https://archive.is/ISiqK     All of wh

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Weaker Lies, Weaker Arguments

It appears that Brian J. Kemp is using even weaker arguments and lies in order to validate an image he either photoshopped himself or had another photoshop. All while riding on delusions he has some sort of legal case against the victims he stalks: Clyde, myself, Glen, Casey, CreatorLuther69.   The proof. https://archive.is/EEUqW https://archive.is/keS43 The very way Brian words it all is very telling of so much.     I shall touch upon all of what Brian

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Weak Arguments, Weak Lies

Apparently one Brian J. Kemp is attempting to get me to self dox with his latest ramblings.   Brian J. Kemp attempts to use weak arguments in his false claim that I am my friend Clyde's friend Glen. https://archive.is/H8ie3 https://archive.is/Lghg8 https://archive.is/PqVjU https://archive.is/WJyoL https://archive.is/OVPXS https://archive.is/WilwM It is very obvious that Brian Kemp knows that Glen and I are different people and wants me to self dox i

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Continued Threats to Silence.......& More!

Brian Kemp is at it again. He is attempting to portray himself as the injured victim and that his victims are the ones causing him such harm.   On Monday November 11, 2024 he uploaded the same video to Tiktok and Instagram. The archive of the Instagram (ronin_swordz) post: https://archive.is/XUSeh The archive of the Tiktok (bcomplexmh) post: https://archive.is/I81fZ I just so happened to take a screenshot of Brian Kemp's Tiktok at the right moment. He sure does have on

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Threats with a Side of Delusions of Grandeur

In typical fashion, Brian Kemp has stated that he is "done", coupled with a few threats and a poor attempt to play the victims.   Video proof https://www.tiktok.com/@ambermera007/video/7435727940299640106   (Tiktok) https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCM8eWRStq0/   (Instagram)   The post that was shown within the video, but more up to date (with comments+3 likes) for those whom choose not to watch. The post archived: https://archive.is/GmsrD The screenshots ar

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Obsessively Lurking, Obsessively Stalking

Brian Kemp doesn't quit. He continues to prove me correct in calling him a lurker; a stalker.   Brian Kemp subtexts Carissa Shaw (the ex he abused) and addresses me directly. https://archive.ph/drxfO Someone is very mad he was proven, without a doubt, to be a very obsessive stalker.     Brian Kemp tells me to get a life. Unlike him, I do have a life. Let's examine his obviously false statement.   On Saturday November 2, 2024 I went to the Florida Ge

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

The Super-Sized Victim Complex

A few days ago, Brian Kemp had chosen to briefly remove some of his social media. I firmly believe it was to enhance his false portrayal of himself as the victim, when it's the other way around.   Both of Brian Kemp's Tiktok pages are still gone as is his Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/bjwilson2020 Proof of being currently deactivated: https://archive.is/wChEV   https://www.tiktok.com/@ronin_swordz Proof of being currently deactivated: https://archive.

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

The Lurking, The Obsession, The Narcissism

It seems that Brian Kemp is quite the obsessive lurker and narcissist.   Video proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keAyv-I85No   (YouTube) https://www.instagram.com/p/DBuvnQLPDC2/   (Instagram) https://www.tiktok.com/@ambermera007/video/7431374286977371438   (Tiktok)     I shall get into a bit more detail with each screenshot that was taken.     Subtexting: Carissa Shaw Right here he is sl*t shaming Carissa and dictating how she shoul

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

A Deeper Look Beyond What is Seen

A post on the Instagram account of Bullyville caught my eye. It was a new one about Carissa Shaw. I had decided to ask a simple question. https://www.instagram.com/p/DBcD9L-vaMf          (https://archive.is/XZM4I) To a commenter, I explained myself briefly with civility. As I was working on a home project, Brian Kemp swooped in for the attack.   Video proof https://www.instagram.com/p/DBeSDnGPtqk  (Instagram) https://www.tiktok.com/@ambermera007/video/74290017898080

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Brian J. Kemp (serial stalker & abuser)

Unnecessarily crying "SPOILER!"

I had decided to ask a simple question to be sure if The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story was about that woman that had harassed herself in the late 1970s.   Someone then chose to respond to me "crying SPOILER" with a sarcastic thanks.     This was my response. I felt as if the sternness and tough love was necessary.     Complaining about spoilers regarding a movie based on a true story is ridiculous because it's based on something that

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in That Needs to Be Said

Stalked by Chad Michael Busto...

DISCLAIMER: The below was originally in a blog I had on my own forum website; when I had it. It was originally posted there on August 7, 2023. Where do I begin?   On March 24, 2023 a member by the name of "C. Michael Busto" joined this forum. He came across as odd to alot of people, but I thought it was only fair he be given a fair chance.   Via Twitter (aka "X" according to Elon Musk) DM a member of this forum confronted me about "C. Mic

Amber Mera

Amber Mera in Chad Michael Busto (serial stalker)

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