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NextDoor Allows GRAPHIC Pictures Of Dead Cat!



Yesterday as I was browsing NextDoor, I came upon something that was so disgusting and vile that I couldn't believe it was up on Next Door. I posted a single tweet about it and left out censored the very very graphic pictures that Katie Pierce had posted.


ARCHIVE of tweet: https://archive.is/d7uj6

ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE BELOW TWEET (minus the hastags): Nextdoor is allowing this woman to post graphic pictures of a dead cat and doing nothing. But heaven forbid if someone speaks up about toxic mods, they get suspended! What sickens me is how this woman talks like she is a saint doing a good thing. Even sicker is how so many are saying she did a kind thing. A few people did call her out on the graphic nature of the photos. She responded in a threatening manner. I wouldn’t put it past someone like this to delete her nasty replies and suddenly change out the photos to feign innocence. Nextdoor allows this post to stay up. They allow their mods to abuse people. And they censor so many.




Today when I go on NextDoor, I get this.




I posted a tweet about it. I felt I had no choice but to give a basic description of the horrific pictures posted by Katie Pierce considering NextDoor is REFUSING to do anything about it.


ARCHIVE of tweet: https://archive.is/kTB7G

ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE BELOW TWEET (minus the hastags): Apparently “Katie Pierce” has friends that are moderators because a picture she posted of a cat with its head bashed in and insides hanging out is allowed on NextDoor!




The pictures from the tweet I posted today at 6:24pm ET.





So, Katie Pierce hasn't broken the guidelines according to NextDoor. It is beyond sick and depraved that NextDoor would allow someone to post such graphic pictures on NextDoor and do nothing about it. Even worse that they'd refuse to remove them. It's bad enough that NextDoor protects moderators engaging in shady behavior and censoring others. But NextDoor allowing very graphic pictures of a dead cat to be posted is way beyond depraved.


By NextDoor's own rules, the content should be removed. I've seen people suspended for so much less. Yet, no consequences for Katie Pierce. I guess she has friends on the mod team protecting her, and her account, that are okay with very graphic pics of a dead cat.


NextDoor use to be a great place to converse and get to know neighbors. The direction it's heading in...is not a good one...to put it mildly.

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I saw her post! I reported her using my account, which took a long time to get unsuspended. I got the same thing you did. I also got a message from a moderator warning me to not report Katie Pierce or I might find myself without an account. I reported that moderator. I'm now suspended for 7 days.


Katie Pierce definitely has friends that are moderators.

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I think that Katie Pierce might have multiple personality disorder. She posts graphic photos along with a post that appears to be caring. 


No normal person would make such a post.

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I wanted to respond last night, but I wanted to find the post first. When I saw it, I noticed she edited it and pics of a blanket over something was there. 


She's covering her a**.

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That woman has something very wrong with her! So does NextDoor!

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18 hours ago, Teen Wolf Senior said:

I wanted to respond last night, but I wanted to find the post first. When I saw it, I noticed she edited it and pics of a blanket over something was there. 


She's covering her a**.

She is.

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On 7/2/2024 at 12:23 AM, Lucy Bradford said:

I saw her post! I reported her using my account, which took a long time to get unsuspended. I got the same thing you did. I also got a message from a moderator warning me to not report Katie Pierce or I might find myself without an account. I reported that moderator. I'm now suspended for 7 days.


Katie Pierce definitely has friends that are moderators.

This is why I have as many NextDoor mods, I can find, blocked.

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There's 3 things wrong with this.

1) Someone would be crude enough to post graphic photos of a dead cat in a very public view.


2) NextDoor is allowing graphic photos of a dead cat to remain on NextDoor.


3) Nothing is done about someone posting graphic photos of a dead cat in very public view. This proves that this person is well favored among the moderation team.


This while matter says so much about NextDoor. None of it good.



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Katie Pierce should be in JAIL! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't posting graphic photos like that ILLEGAL! Yet NextDoor CONDONES this?! NextDoor can go f**k themselves!

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14 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Katie Pierce should be in JAIL! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't posting graphic photos like that ILLEGAL! Yet NextDoor CONDONES this?! NextDoor can go f**k themselves!

I don't think it is illegal unless there's proof she killed the cat. But it is definitely against the rules. NextDoor has a habit of allowing questionable content by mods and friends of mods and staff.

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19 hours ago, Zenon said:

There's 3 things wrong with this.

1) Someone would be crude enough to post graphic photos of a dead cat in a very public view.


2) NextDoor is allowing graphic photos of a dead cat to remain on NextDoor.


3) Nothing is done about someone posting graphic photos of a dead cat in very public view. This proves that this person is well favored among the moderation team.


This while matter says so much about NextDoor. None of it good.



NextDoor is an awful place.

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20 hours ago, T Swift said:

I don't think it is illegal unless there's proof she killed the cat. But it is definitely against the rules. NextDoor has a habit of allowing questionable content by mods and friends of mods and staff.

NextDoor is awful!

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I've seen her profile. I think the post was finally removed. I do have a question. How can she stand to post graphic pics of dead animals when she has pets?

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I don't know what disgusts me more; Katie Pierce or NextDoor staff that allows crude pictures like that posted.

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