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  1. He just won't stop... Brian Joel Kemp is at it again...This time it involves his stalking and harassment of me and my friend @CEDAvsFan.


    Previous blogs I've written on the entire matter involving Brian Joel Kemp... from oldest to newest.


    Now that we're all caught up...



    A video detailing what's currently going on. It's on YouTube and TikTok (friends only setting).


    TikTok: The video here is set to FRIEND ONLY.

    I'll get more into everything below.



    Screenshots of the things shown within the videos.

    (Some of them were recorded and screenshotted with my phone. I also took screenshots on my computer. )


    Disturbing, isn't it? The amount of Tiktoks about me and @CEDAvsFan in 48 hours. Also in that Brian Joel Kemp is saying I should have kept my mouth shut and silenced my friends. Basically he is saying that because I dared to speak up about his harassment of me and @CEDAvsFan, he has a right to keep harassing us. Also my friend @Angie too.



    There's a couple of things that were brought to my attention AFTER I posted my video on Tiktok (FRIENDS ONLY SETTING) and YouTube; Brian Joel Kemp's TikTok story on his "Ronin_Swordz" Tiktok account and a obvious veiled threat on his threads account.


    Essentially the message that Brian Joel Kemp is trying to convey here is that he will continue to mess with me and my friend @CEDAvsFan unless we delete all evidence of his stalking and harassment. Simply put, he wants all evidence of his bad behavior to go away. If he was as innocent of a victim as he claims, he wouldn't be acting like this.

    Another thing I noticed. Brian Joel Kemp is falsely claiming that @Angie, @CEDAvsFan, and @CreatorLuther69 are the same person in his Threads post. Not long ago, @CEDAvsFan, told me that in one of his videos he claims me, him, and @CreatorLuther69 was the same person. His claims are just wild... and borderline "nuts". Especially him claiming @CEDAvsFan and I are the same person.



    Now... I never watched any of Brian Joel Kemp's Tiktoks about me, as I stated in the video above. I only clicked on one; never watched it; just looked at the description. That's it. But I can take a guess, based on Brian Joel Kemp's history in harassing me, @CEDAvsFan, and @Angie.



    I can pretty much guess some, most, or all of what is in Bryan Joel Kemp's Tiktok's (about me, @Angie, and @CEDAvsFan) on his "ronin_swordz" and his "bcomplexmh" Tiktok accounts.

    1) Claims of me harassing him. I've more than prove that Brian Joel Kemp has harassed and stalked me. On top of him making veiled threats and trying to intimidate me.

    2) Claims of me using "white woman tears" to heavily imply I'm racist. I am most definitely not racist. Those who know me, know I'm not.

    3) Claiming I came after him. I've posted more than enough evidence in this blog, and prior blogs, to more than prove my claims of Brian Joel Kemp harassing and stalking me.

    4) Trying hard to play the victim. He's definitely not the victim here. I've more than proven that.

    5) Attempts to twist the matter in such a way as to portray things how he wants onlookers to see it. A typical manipulation tactic mostly used by abusers.

    6) Making veiled threats. He's done it before and considering he made over a dozen videos about me and @CEDAvsFan, I wouldn't doubt it. When he makes veiled threats, he tends to try to only look obvious to me and @CEDAvsFan... but not to others.

    7) Claims of "moving on". If he hasn't already, soon he will post a video claiming he's moved on. LIKELY so if I speak up about what's he's pulled regarding me since my last blog and video, I might look bad; or fear it.

    8) Trying to portray me as racist in some way without saying it in hopes someone will flat out say it. This way he can get away with saying he never said I was racist. IF he goes this route, it's likely to discredit me so fewer will listen to me.

    9) Might admit to 1 or some things, but not others for the sole purpose using the small admission to get away with what else he is guilty of. Basically what this means if he is called out on other things he is guilty of, those whom have chosen to believe him are likely to come to his defense saying, "If he was guilty of it, he would've admitted to it with the other stuff." or similar.

    10) A claim of having "connections". This would be an attempt to scare me into removing everything I posted regarding speaking up about his harassment and stalking. Not happening. I'm not removing anything. When he attacks me online, I have a right to speak up.

    11) An attempt to justify his behavior. People like him always try to justify their harassment.

    Again I'm guessing, based on past behaviors in regards to him harassing/stalking me.



    Another thing that I want to address is some missing Tiktok videos that @CEDAvsFan and myself had on our Tiktoks. @CEDAvsFan is missing now 21 videos that he knows he didn't deleted. Unsure of which specific ones since he has alot of videos posted. I just know his count is down by 21.


    I am missing 4 Tiktok videos. I know exactly which ones.

    1) One of my 2 Superbowl 2024 videos. It's the one in which I am talking about enjoying it.

    2) The one where I talk about how black history isn't just in February because it happens everyday. I was talking about how we should celebrate black history everyday.

    3) One of the ones in which I spoke up about Brian Joel Kemp's harassment. I filed an appeal. I made a mistake and deleted it. Funny part. I won the appeal. But because I deleted it instead of another video. It obviously is gone, but atleast I won my appeal.

    4) A tribute to Chadwick Bodeman. I made a video as a tribute to him. He went through chemo. No one knew. He gave us his all. his best. He did so because he loved ad appreciated his fans that much. His coworkers too.


    These videos... there wasn't anything wrong with them. No curse words. No hate speech. No encouragement to harass. No personal information given. Nothing that would break the rules or even come close. Yet they disappeared. I only got a notification for 1 of them. @CEDAvsFan is missing 21 videos. No notifications. Also my Tiktok account is in good standing. No warnings. No strikes.


    Proof my Tiktok account is in good standing.


    Odd isn't it? GOOD STANDING despite 4 videos removed and only 1 notification. Clyde is missing 21 videos and got no notifications. His account is in good standing. Now isn't this odd? There is only one logical explanation. That being someone used bots to help mass report. If a video on Tiktok is mass reported, the system automatically removes it and slaps a "harassment & bullying" label on it even if there's nothing wrong with it. Sometimes if there is so many reports, no notification. If those videos were removed because of any violation, I'd have a warning or strike. But my account is in good standing. So yeah bots are being used to mass report me and @CEDAvsFan.

    Brian Joel Kemp is most definitely behind it; whether it be him or someone he gaslighted into doing it for him. He's shown anger and resentment that me and @CEDAvsFan have spoken up about his harassment and stalking. He's said that I should have kept my mouth shut and should have silenced my friends. He's heavily implied he won't stop messing with me until I remove all evidence of his bad behavior towards and about me.



    When Brian Joel Kemp speaks up about me, it isn't to "tell the truth"...but a very twisted version of it that is false in which he is trying to pass off as the truth. In posts he's made about me thus far, I've noticed he tries way too hard to play the victim. He spends so much time putting all the blame on me. He only admits to the least amount possible when it suits him and can use it for some pity party. He acts like I have no right to say anything about him because I don't know him. What I know of him is his bad behavior; his stalking and harassment of me. So according to his logic, I'm not allowed to say anything because I don't know him personally. Always excuses and deflection with him. Always playing the victim and nothing is ever his fault. He's a classic narcissist.


    Brian Joel Kemp has also harassed my 2 friends; @Angie and @CEDAvsFan. They've both written blogs detailing their experiences and insights.


    Another blog from @CEDAvsFan is coming soon because alot has happened since his last one. Brian Joel Kemp has begun to target him more.



    One reason I think that Brian Joel Kemp is targeting @CEDAvsFan more is that he hopes to gaslight and manipulate him into blaming me so he will distance himself from me. Also because he doesn't like when his victims are right and he is wrong and hates it when they stand up to him. In some way he is trying to isolate me from friends so I will be more vulnerable.


    In my past blogs, which are all linked above, I have detailed how his behavior fits the profile of someone who is controlling and/or abusive. He's tried to use veiled threats and intimidation to get me to remove evidence I've posted about his behavior. If he was innocent and/or a victim... then he wouldn't act like this.


    Those who truly know me know that once I speak my piece on a matter, I drop it and move on AND only revisit it if absolutely necessary. Brian Joel Kemp needs to move on and leave me alone.


    If Brian Joel Kemp thinks that I will remove anything I've posted about his harassment and stalking against me, he's wrong. I am not removing anything. IT STAYS.

  2. Just as I was enjoying "PEACE" without NextDoor mods messing with me, I realized that they were at it again. I speak of it in the video below, which is on TikTok AND YouTube.




    The screenshots from the video.


    What I posted was in no way "personal fundraising".



    NextDoor never ceases to amaze me with how I keep getting targeted by their mods for one bogus reason after another.

    Ever since I reported Autumn Leigh Martin in April of 2023 for racial profiling of a Latina woman, mods have been targeting me and messing with my account. They don't care WHY she was reported. They just see that a mod was reported and the person (me) reporting her needs to pay.

  3. I caught wind of this "bstylin62" shopper when she tagged me in a tweet, as she responded to @CEDAvsFan's reply to her tweet on Twitter(x) in which she bragged about screwing customers over. She responded to her initial response to @CEDAvsFan. Then she deleted her initial response (the one in which she tagged me in) to @CEDAvsFan. She then continued to try to make her case while still falsely claiming tip baiting.


    SCREENSHOT BELOW. Thank you @CEDAvsFan for getting the screenshot.


    What "bstylin62" is talking about here...IS NOT TIP BAITING! Customers can add or remove items from their order up until a shopper has indicated they're finished shopping. ALL Instacart customers (and shoppers) know this. All Instacart workers know this.

    What "bstylin62" is doing is trying to justify OPENLY BRAGGING about screwing customers over out of spite...just for the heck of it. What she is also doing is bragging about how she falsely reported the customer for tip baiting.

    TIP BAITING is giving a large tip then vastly decreasing it . That's NOT what happened here. All the customer did was remove  items from the order. Once an order is placed on Instacart, a customer can't adjust the tip until AFTER the order has been delivered. So, the customer in this situation could not have tip baited her.

    "bstylin62" also shows a selfish and partially vindictive side. She does such by acting like she could care less if others are affected as long as it isn't her.

    "bstylin62" is wrong when she says  "Doesn't sound like ur friends situation to me.. lol". It is because "bstylin62" is showing how much like "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" she is in that she is screwing over customers.




    The very definition of tip baiting below.





    A notification on Twitter(X) showing me as tagged in to the conversion I never participated in. (explanation above at start of blog).





    ALL 3 tweets/posts by "bstylin62" that I show below have been archived in case of deletion to cover her butt.





    But then again, Instacart does like to protect its shoppers that do screw over customers.

    Hopefully a few decent people see what "bstylin62" is doing and report her en masse. If so, hopefully Instacart can match her face and info (which she posted publicly on a public site; TwitterX) to her shopper account.





    If Instacart is going to chastise and penalize customers for sharing what's in their Instacart account, then why should shoppers be exempt from the same treatment? All of the below is publicly posted in a public place by "bstylin62".

    (All of the below in the quote box can be used by Instacart to identify this shopper.)


    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/oHnr9



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/eeZR7



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/vDKws



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/cHA3f



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/WyV4F



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/dZsb6



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qvokq



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/4JYTu



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qWBcp



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/bJSTZ



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/mUqXg



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/9bAxw


    UNBELIEVEABLE! She is sharing approximate location info and shaming customers for their orders. She is even shaming a customer for a near 50% tip.



    The purpose of showing this publicly posted, publicly available, post is "bstylin62" identifies herself more with this by showing her name.

    (This being shared is for purposes of identification by Instacart in case they grow a conscience and decide to take action against this shopper. I am not encouraging or endorsing contacting this volatile Instacart shopper.)





    If Instacart followed, and lived by, it's own policies... Then by their own TOS this shopper, Bethany Stiles (aka "bstylin62"), should receive disciplinary action on her shopper account for 5 things at the very least.

    1) Openly bragging about screwing customers over.

    2) Screwing customers over.

    3) Falsely reporting a customer for tip baiting.

    4) Posting approximate location information in relation to customers.

    5) Shaming customers.



    If Instacart wants to do right, they'll start by getting rid of the bad shoppers that screw over customers, treat the good shoppers right, and start being respectful to customers.

  4. DISCLAIMER: When speaking about one "Dr Ralph Garramone", I will only refer to him as Ralph Garramone. While he practices medicine in the field of plastic surgery, I refuse to refer to him as "Dr Ralph Garramone". All doctors take an oath to do no harm. By him having "business" relations with Joey Camp for the sole purpose of harassment of another ("ThatDaneshGuy"), that, in my opinion, is him knowingly doing harm to another.

    I am just one of many victims of Joey Camp. Another is "ThatDaneshGuy" because Ralph Garramone and Jennifer Couture have chosen to employ Joey Camp to harass and mess with him.


    Much of the evidence proving dirty dealings by Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and their attorney Patrick Trainor (alongside Joey A Camp) are shown by the below individuals: CredibleIntel and Dr James McGibney.





    The evidence proving that Joey Camp along with Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor is too vast to post it all here. If I did, I'd be writing a novel, not a blog. But I will be highlighting some pieces and crediting those that have shown it and made it known.




    Let's take a look at this piece by CredibleIntel. Very damning evidence proving Joey Camp's connection to Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor.


    I do believe the proper thing to say here is "BUSTED"!



    One thing I love about Dr James McGibney is he is all about authenticity, truth, and justice. Here's some posts by him with evidence proving misconduct and associations by and between Joey Camp, Ralph Garramone, Jennifer Couture, and Patrick Trainor.


    And this is only a small portion of proof I am showing that was posted on the Bullyville Instagram by Dr James McGibney.



    For further information and developments, look towards the below individuals.

    Bullyville (Dr James McGibney) on Instagram

    CredibleIntel on X (formerly Twitter)

  5. I have been a long time fan of Simone Biles. I was disappointed when she didn't compete in the Tokyo Olympics. Not disappointed in her. Just that I wouldn't be seeing her complete. But I supported her wanting to prioritize her mental health.


    Fast forward to now. It's been said by Simone Biles that she wants people to stop saying to athletes "What's next?". She gives the impression that saying that is wrong. She comes across as shaming all those whom have ever said "What's next?" and it's like some huge disrespect to current achievements. It is not. It's appreciation for all achievements, a celebration of the current achievements, and admiration for anything else to comes.

    I politely sent a tweet to Simone Biles pointing it out.


    As you can see, I was in no way rude, mean, disrespectful, or uncivil.



    Simone Biles must already be awake in Paris because this was her response to my tweet.


    I could understand if I was rude or said something that could get her "flamed" or harassed. But I didn't. I was polite and trying to make her aware of something in a civil way.


    I am now no longer a fan of Simone Biles. I no longer respect her as an athlete or person. I can't respect someone that can't handle polite criticism and politeness is making someone aware or how something looks. I also can't respect someone that shames anyone and everyone who's ever said "What's next?".


    While I am no longer a fan and no longer respect Simone Biles, I will not tolerate any racist comments about her or those going too far in their comments about her that comes across as bullying. No one deserves to be bullied or harassed.


    After this blog, I will no longer acknowledge or comment on any of Simone Biles's achievements. While she is a talented athlete, she comes across as it is some entitlement.


    I joined here when my friend @CEDAvsFan recommended it. A blog I read so struck an interest to me. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I finished. I shared this blog on so many places on Facebook.



    It isn't right what Patricia "liar" Silva is doing to Planet Fitness just because she so hates the transgender community!


    I wasn't gonna write a blog, but I so decided to when I saw this. It so made me feel good to see that someone from Planet Fitness taking a stand!




    In one of the places I made a post about that blog above I read, someone replied. So much insight!




    This right here so makes Patricia Silva look like the liar she is! Caroline points out something very important. See how Patricia Silva reacts? She changes her story. Now she says the child looked 12. So much deflection at the end! I believe Caroline is right. So are others. She has a point. Nothing has been heard from that child or their parents.




    I see that my friend @CEDAvsFan so made so many good points with the screenshots I sent him.




    I so think that Planet Fitness should sue Patricia Silva for her lying! She lied about her ban reason. She's lied about a naked child. Planet Fitness should also press charges. An example needs to be made of her and those like her that lie on such a grand level!

  7. Early last year there was a huge fight locally on NextDoor when this Latina woman, named Roxana Sanchez, made a post about a very young child pouring blue paint on her driveway. She was hoping to find the parents so payment for repairs could be worked out. A few people were very rude to her. I stood up for her. I asked them to back off. This one woman, Autumn Leigh Martin, viciously attacked anyone offering the slightest kindness to this woman. I, a woman named Miley, and 1 other bravely stood up to this Autumn. All telling her that being a reviewer (moderator/admin) doesn't give her special privilege to treat people the way she is. Eventually Autumn abused her position to help get Roxana's post removed.


    A Ronald Lamountain had created a post slandering Roxana. Autumn even joined in on the nasty comments. They both went out of their way to shame her. Eventually his post was removed. But it didn't stop there. Ever since then, I've been getting suspended without explanation up until I deleted my NextDoor account 3 months ago. After coming upon X posts by a Casey something linking to Miley's blogs and videos, it made me think of what I went through.


    I still get harassed on Facebook Messenger now and then, but it's lessened since I've found some NextDoor reviewers on there and blocked them.

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