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  1. No Bull!

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    The url for this website was in a Tiktok video created by omega.wolf24. I watched it yesterday, but I needed time to look at both sides before making my judgement. I looked over videos created by bcomplexmh, whom I assume is Brian Joel Kemp, to get his side. I've looked over all that was posted here.


    When it comes to AmberMera007, GMileyCollier78, CaseyN77215, CreatorLuther69, and the one named Clyde.

    The Claim: They're all the same person

    1. I checked out each of their social media profiles. It is obvious that Clyde and GMileyCollier78 are not the same person. She is white and he is black.

    2. AmberMera007 talks very different from GMileyCollier78, CaseyN77215, Clyde, CreatorLuther69. AmberMera007 appears to be the more intelligent and educated. She seems to be more choosy when it comes to picking the battles. GMileyCollier78 rarely ever uses a curse word. While CaseyN77215 uses them frequently. AmberMera007 uses them now and then.

    3. GMileyCollier78 and CaseyN77215 hate World of Warcraft. AmberMera007 plays World of Warcraft. Clyde doesn't play World of Warcraft.

    4. CreatorLuther69 has a trollish charming wit about them; a unique humor. GMileyCollier78 doesn't have their charming wit. AmberMera007 doesn't either. Neither does CaseyN77215. Clyde comes close.

    5. AmberMera007 and GMileyCollier78 both play video games on steam. While they have some games in common, their gaming activity is different. AmberMera007 seems to be more focused on hidden object games, puzzle type games, and games with a bit of mystery. She has very little focus on other game types. GMileyCollier78 seems to enjoy more roleplaying type games, anything with cats, anything horror, nearly all the games from PuppetCombo, and games similar to PuppetCombo games.

    6. When it comes to speaking up about issues.......... AmberMera007 is quite bold. Clyde is as well. GMileyCollier78 stands up for herself, but isn't as bold as Clyde and AmberMera007. CaseyN77215 has a bit of a no mercy attitude, but doesn't cross any lines.

    7. AmberMera007 seems to stick to only tweeting about and watching sports when it comes to her favorite teams. GMileyCollier78 tweets alot more about whatever sports she is watching and she will watch almost whoever is playing when it comes to baseball, basketball, and football.

    8. GMileyCollier78 has autism. AmberMera007 doesn't. Neither does Clyde, CaseyN77215, or CreatorLuther69.



    The Claim: AmberMera007, GMileyCollier78, Clyde being  racist.

    1. Paying for Twitterx premium isn't racist or racism.

    2. I've looked over the social media profiles for CreatorLuther69, AmberMera007, GMileyCollier78, CaseyN77215, and Clyde. There isn't anything within, or on, their social media that would come close to implying they are racist.



    When it comes to Brian Joel Kemp.

    The obsession with Carissa Shaw

    1. I can see that he subtexts about Carissa Shaw alot. Some of it I didn't pick up on right away though.

    2. In some of his subtexts about Carissa Shaw, he shows anger, bitterness, and the need for control.

    3. Has a hard time letting go. It's obvious from his social media that he keeps an eye on hers alot for someone that has said to have moved on.


    Telling his side.

    1. He shows a few piece here and there. Rarely much of the story at once.

    2. He veers off the point quite a few times and pokes at others things about those he is speaking of. Those interested in putting the truth

    3. His tone when he speaks about his side is more like someone that's angry someone didn't keep quiet and not someone who's a victim of slander like he says so.

    4. The image he shows that he says makes AmberMera007 and CaseyN77215 racist doesn't support his claim. It also doesn't match the character of either woman. I checked their social media accounts. With how they are, it doesn't match the screenshot.


    Interactions with others.

    1. When he is in agreement with someone he is talking to, he is is decent and very civil.

    2. When he doesn't see eye to eye with someone, he gets very combative.

    3. Sometimes, but not often, brings race into a matter when it's not necessary.


    Multiple accounts for less than ideal purposes.

    After extensive examination of Brian Joel Kemp's Bcomplexmh account and the omega.wolf24 account on Tiktok, I've come to the conclusion that both accounts belong to him.




    How it's handle by both sides.

    Speaking up about the other side.

    1. Brian Joel Kemp: He's engaged in alot of antagonistic subtext. He's made statements saying that if his videos get removed, he will keep making more, which is not something a victim would say. One of his biggest defenses is his claim that certain people are all the same person. He tries too hard to make this point aggressively. Simps for his ex Carissa Shaw far too much. Some of the things he's said come across as veiled threats. He's made it obvious he is obsessively watching the social media of AmberMera007 and GMileyCollier78 more than most. Various behaviors and actions prove it. Despite the victims that moved on, he continues to make the same point over and over again. He has not moved on and has shown signs of obsession.

    2. AmberMera007: She isn't afraid to tell it like it is and gets right to the point. She has clearly moved on.

    3. GMileyCollier78: She sticks to, and focuses on, the point. The majority of the time (about 90%) she sticks to how it has affected her and what's been done to her. She has clearly moved on.

    4. CaseyN77215: No filter on her mouth. Despite such, she doesn't cross any lines. So far, she appears to be moving on.

    5. CreatorLuther69: They've said very little about Brian Joel Kemp. Not enough to matter.

    6. Clyde: When it comes to speaking his mind, he doesn't hold back and tells it like it is. Brutally honest. He has clearly moved on.

  2. Apparently NextDoor has taken it upon themselves to suspend me for speaking up about one of their mods attempting to publicly shame me as explained in a previous blog here.







    Look at this part of the reason for my suspension! NextDoor makes it very clear I am suspended because I spoke up about one of their mods trying to publicly shame me.


    This rule didn't exist up until recently. I mentioned it in a previous blog as suddenly existing right as more are speaking up about abuse on NextDoor by mods, people known to mods, staff, and supervisors. This rule is meant to silence those speaking up and discourage others from speaking up.


    NextDoor claims to take a stance against harassment and trolling... But by NextDoor suspending me for speaking up as they do NOTHING about Melody Eckert, it goes to show that NextDoor will always protect their poorly behaving moderators that often abuse their power and position, those close to them, and penalize their victims.



    I am sure the response to my appeal will lecture and chastise me and/or "encourage" me to remove what I posted; I won't. I might even get discouraged from speaking up in the future; I still will.

    My hope is that more people will speak up and one day NextDoor will be held accountable for its abusive practices and behaviors.

  3. The last I’ll acknowledge or speak of Bullyville’s James McGibney, their close associates, and Brian Joel Kemp. I deserve better than their toxicity, drama, and whatever internet war they got going on.








    The video on Tiktok was created solely so I could use its greenscreen feature to help me better make my points, download it, and upload to Instagram and YouTube. It has since been made PRIVATE to discourage continued abuse of the Tiktok report system by mentioned individuals.

  4. I caught wind of this "bstylin62" shopper when she tagged me in a tweet, as she responded to @CEDAvsFan's reply to her tweet on Twitter(x) in which she bragged about screwing customers over. She responded to her initial response to @CEDAvsFan. Then she deleted her initial response (the one in which she tagged me in) to @CEDAvsFan. She then continued to try to make her case while still falsely claiming tip baiting.


    SCREENSHOT BELOW. Thank you @CEDAvsFan for getting the screenshot.


    What "bstylin62" is talking about here...IS NOT TIP BAITING! Customers can add or remove items from their order up until a shopper has indicated they're finished shopping. ALL Instacart customers (and shoppers) know this. All Instacart workers know this.

    What "bstylin62" is doing is trying to justify OPENLY BRAGGING about screwing customers over out of spite...just for the heck of it. What she is also doing is bragging about how she falsely reported the customer for tip baiting.

    TIP BAITING is giving a large tip then vastly decreasing it . That's NOT what happened here. All the customer did was remove  items from the order. Once an order is placed on Instacart, a customer can't adjust the tip until AFTER the order has been delivered. So, the customer in this situation could not have tip baited her.

    "bstylin62" also shows a selfish and partially vindictive side. She does such by acting like she could care less if others are affected as long as it isn't her.

    "bstylin62" is wrong when she says  "Doesn't sound like ur friends situation to me.. lol". It is because "bstylin62" is showing how much like "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" she is in that she is screwing over customers.




    The very definition of tip baiting below.





    A notification on Twitter(X) showing me as tagged in to the conversion I never participated in. (explanation above at start of blog).





    ALL 3 tweets/posts by "bstylin62" that I show below have been archived in case of deletion to cover her butt.





    But then again, Instacart does like to protect its shoppers that do screw over customers.

    Hopefully a few decent people see what "bstylin62" is doing and report her en masse. If so, hopefully Instacart can match her face and info (which she posted publicly on a public site; TwitterX) to her shopper account.





    If Instacart is going to chastise and penalize customers for sharing what's in their Instacart account, then why should shoppers be exempt from the same treatment? All of the below is publicly posted in a public place by "bstylin62".

    (All of the below in the quote box can be used by Instacart to identify this shopper.)


    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/oHnr9



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/eeZR7



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/vDKws



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/cHA3f



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/WyV4F



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/dZsb6



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qvokq



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/4JYTu



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/qWBcp



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/bJSTZ



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/mUqXg



    ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/9bAxw


    UNBELIEVEABLE! She is sharing approximate location info and shaming customers for their orders. She is even shaming a customer for a near 50% tip.



    The purpose of showing this publicly posted, publicly available, post is "bstylin62" identifies herself more with this by showing her name.

    (This being shared is for purposes of identification by Instacart in case they grow a conscience and decide to take action against this shopper. I am not encouraging or endorsing contacting this volatile Instacart shopper.)





    If Instacart followed, and lived by, it's own policies... Then by their own TOS this shopper, Bethany Stiles (aka "bstylin62"), should receive disciplinary action on her shopper account for 5 things at the very least.

    1) Openly bragging about screwing customers over.

    2) Screwing customers over.

    3) Falsely reporting a customer for tip baiting.

    4) Posting approximate location information in relation to customers.

    5) Shaming customers.



    If Instacart wants to do right, they'll start by getting rid of the bad shoppers that screw over customers, treat the good shoppers right, and start being respectful to customers.

  5. Joey Camp is no longer in Belize. He's in Mexico. He's still continuing his online assault of Police Commissioner Chester Williams of the Belize PD, "ThatDaneshGuy", and Dr James McGibney of Bullyville. One of his most common claims about the latter 2 is his false claim that they're pedophiles. Dr James McGibney and "ThatDaneshGuy" are not pedophiles. He's also continuously making bold claims of things he claims responsibility in order to make himself appear powerful.


    Some of Joey Camp's bragging and bold claims to make himself appear more powerful. Joey Camp is known for manipulation, lying, twisting words, and boasting.





    Joey Camp's attempts to play victim.





    Obviously twisted words and false claims made by Joey Camp.





    Joey Camp's attempts at distraction and deflection. Also what gives the impression he has something to hide.





    Joey Camp's threats against the country of Belize and/or to cripple (hurt) its economy.





    Joey Camp's attempts to threaten and/or intimidate "ThatDaneshGuy", Dr James McGibney of Bullyville, and police commissioner Clyde Chester Williams of the Belize PD.





    Joey Camp using children, or "putting them out there", for his own personal agenda.






    What I have shown above is only a tiny portion of misdeeds, harassment, threats, and stalking that Joey Camp has been up to since my last blog.


    There's ALOT to Joey Camp. For further, more up to date, and more detailed information regarding his criminal activity... keep an eye on the following individuals's social media accounts.

  6. The Brutal Truth

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    I joined here when my friend @CEDAvsFan recommended it. A blog I read so struck an interest to me. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I finished. I shared this blog on so many places on Facebook.



    It isn't right what Patricia "liar" Silva is doing to Planet Fitness just because she so hates the transgender community!


    I wasn't gonna write a blog, but I so decided to when I saw this. It so made me feel good to see that someone from Planet Fitness taking a stand!




    In one of the places I made a post about that blog above I read, someone replied. So much insight!




    This right here so makes Patricia Silva look like the liar she is! Caroline points out something very important. See how Patricia Silva reacts? She changes her story. Now she says the child looked 12. So much deflection at the end! I believe Caroline is right. So are others. She has a point. Nothing has been heard from that child or their parents.




    I see that my friend @CEDAvsFan so made so many good points with the screenshots I sent him.




    I so think that Planet Fitness should sue Patricia Silva for her lying! She lied about her ban reason. She's lied about a naked child. Planet Fitness should also press charges. An example needs to be made of her and those like her that lie on such a grand level!

  7. *Slices of Life*

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    Early last year there was a huge fight locally on NextDoor when this Latina woman, named Roxana Sanchez, made a post about a very young child pouring blue paint on her driveway. She was hoping to find the parents so payment for repairs could be worked out. A few people were very rude to her. I stood up for her. I asked them to back off. This one woman, Autumn Leigh Martin, viciously attacked anyone offering the slightest kindness to this woman. I, a woman named Miley, and 1 other bravely stood up to this Autumn. All telling her that being a reviewer (moderator/admin) doesn't give her special privilege to treat people the way she is. Eventually Autumn abused her position to help get Roxana's post removed.


    A Ronald Lamountain had created a post slandering Roxana. Autumn even joined in on the nasty comments. They both went out of their way to shame her. Eventually his post was removed. But it didn't stop there. Ever since then, I've been getting suspended without explanation up until I deleted my NextDoor account 3 months ago. After coming upon X posts by a Casey something linking to Miley's blogs and videos, it made me think of what I went through.


    I still get harassed on Facebook Messenger now and then, but it's lessened since I've found some NextDoor reviewers on there and blocked them.

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