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NextDoor Censorship: The Hiding Of Key Replies on X (aka Twitter)



The video below (which is on YouTube and TikTok) shows how NextDoor is doing their best to censor the truth on X (aka Twitter).


My Comments: This is only a tiny portion of the censorship NextDoor engages in on X (aka Twitter).



If you pay close attention to the replies that NextDoor chose to click "hide reply" on, you'll see that it's mainly replies that speak of the following:

1) Wrongful censorship of posts that don't break the guidelines on NextDoor.

2) Abusive mods & staff.

3) Wrongful suspensions.

4) Questions about abusive practices.

5) Wrongful labels.


Apparently NextDoor isn't too big on the truth unless it suits and benefits them. They'd rather hide the truth and stifle our voices than work to fix the various problems on/with their site and app.

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On 4/20/2024 at 11:49 PM, Tamara said:

This shows that Next Door is allergic to the cold hard truth. 

NextDoor is allergic to the truth, acceptance, accountability, decency, fairness, objectivity, class, you name it. They are all pieces of work. Karma will get them very soon.

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On 5/4/2024 at 1:07 AM, CEDAvsFan said:

NextDoor is allergic to the truth, acceptance, accountability, decency, fairness, objectivity, class, you name it. They are all pieces of work. Karma will get them very soon.

They preach inclusivity and a stance against racist behavior. But they cover for their own racist staff. That company is terrible. 

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