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Unnecessarily crying "SPOILER!"

Amber Mera


I had decided to ask a simple question to be sure if The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story was about that woman that had harassed herself in the late 1970s.


Someone then chose to respond to me "crying SPOILER" with a sarcastic thanks.



This was my response. I felt as if the sternness and tough love was necessary.



Complaining about spoilers regarding a movie based on a true story is ridiculous because it's based on something that has happened that any one person can easily read up about. 


Another point, I was asking a basic question. A basic question is not a spoiler. A question about a movie's plot, to see if it's the right movie, is not a spoiler.

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megalodonna is definitely a true narcissist, so thank you for exposing her in this blog.

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Megalodonna is an idiot and a clown! All you did was ask a simple question, that's all. It was not a spoiler.

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