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When Mean Girls Attack...



Another casualty of the bullying I've been through since 2015 is on some RARE occasions if someone doesn't like what someone I speak with says, one of 2 things happen.

1) I get hassled to tell them to STFU. Sometimes they dig into me and link the iron troll blogs to me threatening to put them back out there. Luckily each Twitter(X) account that has done that, has been suspended.

2) The one I'm acquainted with gets accused of being me and the IronTroll blogs are linked. Words are said to create a convincing story to make it look true. This has happened only once before. Luckily the person that tried to pull that got suspended and hasn't come around again.


What I just spoke of above by #2 has happened again.

This is how it all started...


On December 7, 2023 at 5:09pm, I made a post on Twitter(X) in response to a post by "People".

ARCHIVE of "People's" tweet: https://archive.is/4F57h

ARCHIVE of my tweet: https://archive.is/cZCJJ


My tweet response was harmless. I gave my thoughts and opinion regarding Jonathan Majors and his legal team.


A friend of mine ("AvsPackersFan") replied to me.

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/nX93b


"AvsPackersFan" responded to me sharing his opinion, which we share the same regarding Jonathan Majors.


Someone else saw our tweets and responded; "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". She replied to the tweet by "AvsPackersFan". Since she was jumping into the conversation, that tweet was meant for all tagged.

ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's " tweet: https://archive.is/rvAt9



I saw another tweet from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that heavy implied she was a Grace Jabbari supporter. Sadly that one was erased. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal.


I was considering replying to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)", but my friend Casey ("CaseyN77215") advised me not to because the person could be one of those Jonathan Majors supporters that will start off nice and "flip the switch" into nastiness. I asked why she was saying that and mentioned the tweet that was deleted. She pointed out to me the wording of the tweet that wasn't deleted. I did a search to see if maybe either of use understood. Sure enough, no other tweets by "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" that would imply she supported Grace Jabbari. However there was several that suggested she was more than for Jonathan Majors. So I decided against replying to her.


Part of me thought about DMing "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" to give a simple reply just in case one of the more aggressive Jonathan Majors fans decided to jump in. I decided against it once I noticed some particular tweets in my notifications. One from "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" and one from "mrshaheedmalik".

ARCHIVE of "mrsshaheedmalik's" tweet: https://archive.is/Masql

ARCHIVE of AshleyWK4's tweet in response to "mrshaheedmalik's tweet: https://archive.is/dIRAm



When I saw these tweets, I decided against sending "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" a DM. As of this moment I didn't block them. I figured it was simply "butthurt over no reply". So I moved on.


I began to see notifications from my friend "CaseyN77215" whom jumped in to defend me. She doesn't like it when people are nasty to or about her friends. So an exchange began.

ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tKsGy

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/UREYA

ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/lYRgC

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/JmCnR


Right at this point I blocked "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". I didn't want any part of her trolling over butthurt from lack of response.



As the exchange above was going on, "AvsPackersFan" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)" out on her butthurt on me not responding. I responded to him.

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz

ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm

ARCHIVE of my response (GMileyCollier78) to "AvsPackersFan" tweet: https://archive.is/0A7Lt

ARCHIVE of "GreaterGra12139's" tweet response to me: https://archive.is/LPCk2


My response to "AvsPackersFan" was basically stating why I didn't respond to "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)". The tweet I was speaking of that seemed to show support for Grace Jabbari is the one that was deleted. Someone responded to me quoting a tweet from a "Blabette_". I pretty much ignored that.



There was another exchange of replies also going on under "AvsPackersFan's" tweet calling out "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s" butthurt over no response from me.

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet: https://archive.is/Ph5Uz

ARCHIVE of tweet quoted by "AvsPackersFan" since it isn't appearing in the link and appears as unavailable on Twitter despite it actually existing: https://archive.is/dIRAm

ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/B3DK9

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFan's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/tQPte

ARCHIVE of "AshleyWK4's" tweet response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/OpkCK

ARCHIVE of "CaseyN77215's" tweet response to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/blSR0


Both "AvsPackersFan" and "CaseyN77215" called "AshleyWK4 of Twitter (X)'s out on lying and stirring drama since she was acting as if her deleted tweet never existed.


I went about the evening (12/7/2023) until I began to see some disturbing notifications from an account I NEVER interacted with before, "Blabette_". She inserted herself in a few threads and was posting links to those slanderous blogs from the IronTroll(.com) website. She was trying to claim that "CaseyN77215" was me!


Here "Blabette_" responds to "GreaterGra12139's" reply to me in which they quote tweeted her.

ARCHIVE of tweet "Blabette"_ replying to "GreaterGra12139": https://archive.is/wxQv1


What "Blabette_" is telling "GreaterGra12139" is that me and "AvsPackersFan" are the same person while linking one of the many slanderous blogs about me from the IronTroll(.com) website. There's videos of me all over my Twitter(X) profile. Also my friend "AvsPackersFan" posts links to his Tiktoks alot on his profile which lead to Tiktoks showing his real face. Last I checked I am a white woman, not a black man.



In this tweet by "Blabette_", she posts screenshots of mine, "AvsPackersFan's", and "CaseyN77215's" Twitter profiles along with a little excerpt from one of the slanderous IronTroll blogs about me. All coupled with the claim that we all are the same person.

ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" passing along a vicious lie as the truth despite it being disproven: https://archive.is/jeM21


I think "Blabette_" jumped to conclusions here. For someone that presents herself as someone who likes to do research and gather info, she isn't that good at it. Otherwise she'd know we aren't the same person.



Here, "Blabette_" takes it upon herself to jump in on a thread to post links to those slanderous blogs about me and share her false claims of "CaseyN77215" being me. A few others join in on the raging discussion: "dizzyophelia", "iamhersheisyou", and "depp_head93".

ARCHIVE of tweet by "AshleyWK4" in reply to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/u8IlU

ARCHIVE of tweet by "Blabette_" in reply to "AshleyWK4": https://archive.is/8VeOt

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "dizzyophelia" in response to "Blabette_"as she tags in "iamhersheisyou" and "depp_head93": https://archive.is/o18jX

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/a2PZC

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/yy4Uu

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "depp_head93" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/dlAF4

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" to "depp_head93": https://archive.is/vXfBP

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/akjYw

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/S2hEI

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "iamhersheisyou" in addition to the one just above: https://archive.is/cfoJb

ARCHIVE of tweet reply by "Blabette_" to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/xQyTo


These people choose to make fun of me by asking if I am a man, when videos on my Twitter (X) page clearly show I am a woman. Because they hate my friend "CaseyN77215" and they saw her defending me to someone trolling me, they use that and links to old and slanderous blogs about me to make their false claims of me being her and "AvsPackersFan" look true.



"Blabette_" responds to "iamhersheisyou's" tweet, from a thread I showed earlier, where she says she needs to "go find this article". A little discussion forms afterwards.

ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/MoQND

ARCHIVE of "Blabette_'s" tweet added in addition to the above: https://archive.is/lW9ha

ARCHIVE of "iamhersheisyou's" tweet reply to "Blabette_": https://archive.is/QWgxC

ARCHIVE of "dizzyophelia's" tweet reply to "iamhersheisyou": https://archive.is/4V4yC

ARCHIVE of "Depp_head93's" tweet reply to "dizzyophelia": https://archive.is/NTemY


These people are taking bits and pieces from those slanderous blogs about me and sharing them and putting their own spin on it. They are using these blogs about me to try to make their false claim of "CaseyN77215" being me look more true. They're using me and "AvsPackersFan" to hurt her.



Both "AvsPackersFan" and myself each posted videos about this matter for the sole purpose of putting "Blabette_'s" "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim to rest.

ARCHIVE of "AvsPackersFans" tweet: https://archive.is/84BAr

ARCHIVE of my video response to "AvsPackersFan": https://archive.is/W6AED


Definitive proof. That "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME PERSON" claim by "Blabette_" is invalid.



In conclusion?

Each of these people, whom I've never interacted with before, decided to come at/after me because I'm friends with someone they dislike. They've tried to justify it by claiming me, "CaseyN77215" are the same person. They've dug up old slanderous blogs about you and have passed them around. Not one of these people ("Blabette_", "iamhersheisyou", "dizzyophelia", "depp_head93"), whom all act like they're "all about the facts", even tried to get all the facts. They attacked me, my character, out of spite and the fact I'm friends with someone they hate. They didn't even try to get my side regarding those slanderous blogs. Had they tried, they'd see understand it's all slander about me and understand what I been through. My blogs that I wrote about it all (all the ones posted before this one) are all here. But then again, they've shown themselves to be full of hate in how they treated me. I wouldn't doubt it if they continued their slander spree, but I won't worry about that. I got my own life to live.

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What I see here is a group of rather immature girls that chose to involve you in their drama. All over one of them that did not get a reply. Their behavior is reprehensible to say the least. They give the impression they are about the right thing, the facts, honesty. They are anything but such.


All these mean girls have proven is how harsh and vile they can be. I checked out their Twitter timelines. I lost count of how many fights/dramas they have started and/or participate in. These drama junkies need psychological help.

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I looked over everything while I was finishing my online Christmas shopping. Blabette_ has a very nasty attitude. She's been attacking Grace Jabbari supporters left and right. Alot of which also support Amber Heard. Combine that with alot of Johnny Depp supporters she has befriended. I think one of the reasons she is stuck on dragging you into drama is because you support Grace Jabbari.

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Blabette_ use to be such an honorable supporter of abuse victims. Now she's become an abuser herself. This is disappointing.

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You're not the only one Blabette_ has been horrible to. She's been verbally abusing multiple Amber Heard fans lately. Mostly ones that support Grace Jabbari.

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After 10 minutes of research, I learned all I needed to know. 


Don't worry about Blabette_. She's been picking fights with several people. She's trolled alot of her own Amber Heard supporters that don't support Jonathan Majors. She's ruining her own credibility.

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Their little crusade against you won't last. She's discredited herself by pulling her "they're one person" drama. Especially since it was proven she is wrong. She'd be stupid to continue running with it.

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22 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

After 10 minutes of research, I learned all I needed to know. 


Don't worry about Blabette_. She's been picking fights with several people. She's trolled alot of her own Amber Heard supporters that don't support Jonathan Majors. She's ruining her own credibility.

She's sinking herself faster than a sinking ship 

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Depp_head93 seems to be in some fight nearly everyday. She frequently talks about people getting what's coming to them.


Blabette_ can't handle civil discussions involving differences of opinion.


Dizzyophelia doesn't seem to care who her actions hurt.


iamhersheisyou has complained about being unjustly harassed, but look at how she has treated you because friends of hers hate CaseyN77215.

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It stinks what Blabette did to you, but does she really still support Amber Heard? I've seen her go after a number of Amber Heard supporters lately as well as befriend several Johnny Depp supporters.

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On 12/15/2023 at 6:01 PM, Claire Redfield said:

Their little crusade against you won't last. She's discredited herself by pulling her "they're one person" drama. Especially since it was proven she is wrong. She'd be stupid to continue running with it.

Trying to pin a white woman as a black man was not her finest moment.

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I use to love Blabette_'s tweets. The way she stood up for Amber Heard was admirable. Lately she's been volatile and lashing out at some Amber supporters over petty things. I understand she supports Jonathan Majors (I don't). But she has been very aggressive towards those who don't support him. I guess Blabette_ isn't who I thought she was. 

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I noticed how quickly those mean girls have moved on to new targets. They can think Blabette_ and her "Avspackersfan, gmileycollier78, and Caseyn77215 are the same person" rant. One that was proven to be ridiculous. 

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On 12/17/2023 at 10:50 PM, Simian Pathetica said:

Trying to pin a white woman as a black man was not her finest moment.

I saw the videos. I also noticed that these mean girls have stirred more drama with others. 

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I thought I commented already. But when again, when I did, there was a power outage. 


Blabette_ is an awful person; a bully. The way she attacked you along with the others is sick.


As of now, the "Blabette_" profile is deactivated on Twitter. When you go to what the url is, you get an "account does not exist" error. When her tagged name I hovered over in threads, you get an error.


But her "Toward_Forward" profile is on Twitter still and private. Shes using that one.


I think Blabette_ deactivated and is sticking to "Toward_Forward" because of the bad name she earned herself and those she targeted with it abusively.

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42 minutes ago, Angie said:

I thought I commented already. But when again, when I did, there was a power outage. 


Blabette_ is an awful person; a bully. The way she attacked you along with the others is sick.


As of now, the "Blabette_" profile is deactivated on Twitter. When you go to what the url is, you get an "account does not exist" error. When her tagged name I hovered over in threads, you get an error.


But her "Toward_Forward" profile is on Twitter still and private. Shes using that one.


I think Blabette_ deactivated and is sticking to "Toward_Forward" because of the bad name she earned herself and those she targeted with it abusively.

It's awful what these people gloamed on to your friend because she wouldn't support abusive garbage actor Jonathan Majors. People that act like these mean girls shouldn't be online.

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I have serious doubts that Blabette_ being an Amber Heard supporter. She has attacked and bullied LeaveHeardAlone and multiple others as she closely associates with a few vile Depp supporters. She's teamed with Depp supporters to bully you viciously just because she doesn't agree that Jonathan Majors is an abuser and because she doesn't like @Angie (CaseyN77215). That makes Blabette_ very suspect to say the least.



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15 minutes ago, Zenon said:

I have serious doubts that Blabette_ being an Amber Heard supporter. She has attacked and bullied LeaveHeardAlone and multiple others as she closely associates with a few vile Depp supporters. She's teamed with Depp supporters to bully you viciously just because she doesn't agree that Jonathan Majors is an abuser and because she doesn't like @Angie (CaseyN77215). That makes Blabette_ very suspect to say the least.



I was hoping she would stay gone after what she did.

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I saw a comment to my blog that mentioned this one. It took me a moment to compose myself after I read this. You had it almost as bad as me. I'm sorry for what you been through. Blabette_ is a sociopath. She has no morals; no care for who she hurts.

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On 2/29/2024 at 6:03 PM, Zenon said:

I have serious doubts that Blabette_ being an Amber Heard supporter. She has attacked and bullied LeaveHeardAlone and multiple others as she closely associates with a few vile Depp supporters. She's teamed with Depp supporters to bully you viciously just because she doesn't agree that Jonathan Majors is an abuser and because she doesn't like @Angie (CaseyN77215). That makes Blabette_ very suspect to say the least.



She's not. Her 4 pro-Amber X profiles are just what she uses to keep an eye on the community. She's good at fooling people into thinking she supports Amber Heard.

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