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Portions Of Harassment From, And Because Of, Vincenza And Her Friends



(Originally posted on my Wordpress on 9/12/2023)

Up until now I have chosen to tell my story by showing the effect particular bullying has had on my life. What I am about to show is bullying by, and because of, Vincenza when I was brave enough to break away from that abusive group. Along with some bullying prior.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/KxorM

In this series of tweets, these people attack a Twitter user that's befriended me despite lies told about me. "Evsmom" (friend of Vincenza) attempts to portray "SweetPea298" as me. She also falsely claims that I told her that "SweetPea298" is me. I never did. Notice in that screenshot she posted that it's cut off at the right time? This way, combined with what "Evsmom" said, she gives the impression I am unstable like she is trying to portray me as.

According to "Mel_1245" (friend of Vincenza), any profile that's blocked her, before she is aware of it, is me. That's very false. This is nothing more than an attempt to make me appear unstable by giving the impression I have a multitude of Twitter accounts. One reason this doesn't work is because her behavior, and that of those she participates in my bullying with, is out in the open; in public. Anyone seeing it could decide, "Hey I don't want to see this crap" and decide to block.

"A1_Buckwheat" (VINCENZA) is saying "SweetPea298" was me like it is fact. Speaking of it like that doesn't make it true. This is a common claim she made about alot of people that befriended me. All in hopes people would avoid me to avoid being a target.

"SweetPea298" was someone that kindly befriended me to show support. She ended up being targeted, harassed, and threatened as if people thought she was me. She deleted her Twitter page. It was recreated by with Vincenza herself or someone she got to recreate it. The re-created "SweetPea298" was used to harass, threaten, troll, and cause all sorts of trouble.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/mZfzd

The Archive: https://archive.ph/90k5O

The Archive: https://archive.ph/9oSW6

Here "Evsmom" responds to "SuzikinsSays" (the Suzi I have spoken of previously and friend of Vincenza) by claiming I'm mad they all finally blocked me. This is said to portray me as the aggressor and herself (and her friends) as the victims. The exact opposite is true. That group of people became very toxic. I blocked them and was trying to move on.

"SuzikinsSays" is currently suspended due to harassment.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/7ko5i

"Dubfreque" (friend of Vincenza) responds to a tweet I posted on the Twitter page I used at that time. When I posted that tweet, I was doing the same exact thing atleast a few teens and a few adults were doing. That which was a quick video showing the turnout for Avengers Infinity War. But "Dubfreque" attempts to take something meant to show the turnout of a great movie and twist it into something horrible. He not only threatens me but attempts to imply I'm some kid stalker.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/lva14

"SarcasticShaz" (Shaz/Sharon - friend of Vincenza) and "Dubfreque" try their hand at some social engineering by hoping I'll see this, get mad, and flip out on friends so that I'll be the one to frighten them away and not them. This is a common tactic among bullies.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/6R8VG

The "Miley accts" being spoke of here were 2 accounts created that were done so to cruelly mock and bully me. "Dubfreque" tries to put words in my mouth by claiming I think it's my friend Shelly. When in fact it was Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza that were behind them. Also there is an attempt here to make it look like they are the objects of an obsession. It's a common, and disturbing, trend among mean people.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/WGn27

"iamspudzy" (a now cleared out and abandoned account of Shaz/Sharon) takes a photo of me I had on my old Instagram and shares it on Twitter just to make fun of me and also to try to feed into that false and slanderous claim she, and other friends of Vincenza, have started claiming I am my own friends. Me trying to move on and live my life, while I document (for myself) the abuse and bullying is being portrayed as some obsession with them that means I can't be a victim.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/KmsyT

Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") attempts to claim some random person she and Brandon (friend of Vincenza - "DirtREYN0LDS", a now suspended account) are talking about some random they've picked a fight with. Shaz/Sharon attempts to claim its me. This is one of many times they did this.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/KvqTC

Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") trying to subtext me. It's obvious, via the hashtag, that she is talking about me. At that time I was still using "SamusAran2020". She makes a sexual comment about me and the way she says "clean your house", she tries to imply I live like a hoarder to further feed into the horrible impression she, Vincenza, and their friends are trying to portray me. Also, the picture Shaz/Sharon showed with this tweet is so up close that you can't tell what it is. There's no proof it is a "dirty mouse pad".


The Archive: https://archive.ph/ZatV3

Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") and Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") trying to make me look like the type of rude person that would spend an entire movie theater movie live tweeting it. Nope! The only new movies I would live tweet, if at all, would be on the TV in my own home. The way Suzi and Shaz/Sharon go on, they do so as if they think that by them going "on and on" that it makes, what they're trying to portray, what they're implying as true.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/VoUGt

Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") saying that if someone isn't tagged, then it isn't bullying. So basically, according to her, this means she and other friends of Vincenza, can mention my name, share my pics with cruel remarks and it is okay.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/7PgCt

"Willittolife" (friend of Vincenza) is talking about me in that tweet. I know because at that time got a bad haircut and posted it and the after pic. Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") chimes in to make fun of me. So did Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy").


The Archive: https://archive.ph/PO8Rr

Someone calls out Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") on her bullying of me. Suzi replies by calling it "faux concern". I guess she is trying the "Everybody hates her" impression.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/dBaxq

I remember this tweet. This was posted shortly after I received a DM from a new account telling me my days of going to movie theaters will soon be no more. I reported it, blocked the account, and moved on. When I saw these tweets, that's when I realized I should have screenshotted it. These tweets are Shaz/Sharon ("iamspudzy") and Suzi ("SuzikinsSays") laying the ground work for something vicious they and Vincenza pulled shortly after. Not long after this, Shaz/Sharon sent in a false complaint to AMC Theatres claiming she was in the theaters and was very disturbed by me being on the phone that kept dinging through the movie. She claimed she would never be back. I found out about this when I received a ban letter claiming I was being banned for being on my phone in the theater. I smiled and laughed. Now why would I? Easy because the night that was claimed she was there and specifically saw me and claimed an employee spoke with me, I was not even there. She assumed I was because on my Twitter page I tweeted that I was going to see Avengers Infinity War again. She assumed I was going to AMC Theatres since I did the first time. Nope! I went to a different theater with a friend that was in town. I was able to prove it to the manager of that theater via a ticket stub. via employees of said theater. Also a picture my friend too of me standing next to someone dressed like Ironman. DATE and TIMESTAMPED. Also the matter was investigated further. The IP address came from "someone not in the USA" and could not have possibly gotten back to their country and residence by the time the email was sent, which was very shortly after the movie was assumed to have ended. My ban was obviously lifted and I received an apology.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/xGk**

Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posts a partial screenshot of an old Instagram postjust to make fun of, and bully me. "Willittolife", "Mel_1245", "Jenjibelle" (friend of Vincenza and wife to "Willittolife") all join in at laughing at, Shaz/Sharon's bullying of me. If Shaz/Sharon had shown the whole post, there would have been text shown to indicate that that food was going to be spread out over 6 movies. At that, that was only part of things. There was another post I made later that showed 3/4 of the food left and me saying I was giving the rest to a neighbor that was too busy to cook.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/8GDXc

Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posting a random tweet making fun of, and bullying, me.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/34M2r

Shaz/Sharon ("SarcasticShaz") posting a nasty tweet about me.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/bFAuV

Both Vincenza and Shaz/Sharon were behind the "BEANBAGMILEY" account, which was created to mock and bully me cruelly because I refused to disappear from social media. This archived tweet is one of many they posted.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/6CwIb

A cruel comment made about me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/EhrEN

Mildly sexual and personal tweet posted in order to make fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/Z4X6G

Making fun of me for going to see that up to date Nutcracker movie by myself. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/jmh9d

Telling me to kill myself and falsely accusing me of animal abuse because my cat was overweight at the time. It was a thyroid issue. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/jW6h0

Falsely claiming I'm racist. They posted this shortly after I responded to an article saying this suspect that killed jewish people should get the death penalty. They are twisting that and trying to pass me off as racist. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/bNrpk

Trying to claim I'm a pedo. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/HGJSQ

Calling me a pedo and wishing me dead. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/SePtV

Making fun of me and implying I would sexually molest a cat. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/TcMTJ

Classic bullying by making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/LTZTq

Implying I am purposely making my cat fat. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/QhPPf

Basic making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/3jfXf

Continuing the cruelty of making fun of me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/AF9Bc

Wishing harm on me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/V0kqk

Making fun of me and claiming I have imaginary friends. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/ssInc

Fat shaming me. (by Shaz/Sharon and Vincenza using "BEANBAGMILEY".)


The Archive: https://archive.ph/eK4PH

Teresa ("SheSharpShoots") is not a friend of Vincenza, but someone that was lead to believe I help her (Vincenza) harass people. She has never spoken with me on the phone. Whoever she did speak with, it wasn't me, but she goes on as if it was.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/NraH8

Teresa ("SheSharpShoots") claims she was never mean to me? That's a load of bull.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/alklC

Teresa (imdarelzslimsha - currently "SheSharpShoots") making a rather nasty comment about me. So, she's claimed before she was never mean to me? I call bs.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/gsOB9

Teresa (on her now suspended "ImDaRelzSlimSha") harassing someone that stood up for me and acted as if doing so was a crime.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/MXzen

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") acting as if me faking tweets is some solid proven fact.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/MdDh2

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") harassing another user on Twitter pretending it's me.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/wDe3P

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") posting part of a DM she sent the real me, not some fake pretending to be me. She goes on with alot of crap that I have no idea of what she is talking about. The way she speaks to me is cruel. She acts as if it is some set in stone solid fact that I have multiple personalities on Twitter. It isn't some fact. It is a false portrayal of me that she chose to believe and she decided to take it upon herself to bully me over.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/1H0hq

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") gets very angry with this young girl that politely told her to leave me alone and stop bullying me. Teresa wrongly assumes I've talked about her to this person. This girl is one of a few that's asked her, and others, to leave me alone.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/u4LRz

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") harasses this girl that simply told her to leave me alone and she was choosing to believe obvious fabrications about me. Teresa also claims I've lied multiple times.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/YFnFF

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") still harassing someone she's accused of being me on multiple occasions.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/8CFq2

Teresa ("ImDaRelzSlimSha") making it obvious she's harassed and threatened me in a way to try and intimidate me into disappearing.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/pV0Y1

"X__2650" making fun of my looks by referring to me as five head.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/akZ4c

Suzi, on a Facebook page for herself, takes a screenshot of a post that's not even about her and attempts to make it about her.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/KP9st

Another post by Suzi attempting to turn something I say to be about her. The comments I made at the time was after I watched Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride. The pink hair I had was via a SnapChat filter. It was the only colored hair filter at the time. Suzi attempts to make that into making fun of her, which it is not.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/eFICB

Partially true statement by Vincenza. Shelly never swatted me. That was Teresa (formerly "ImDaRelzSlimSha" - currently "SheSharpShoot") who swatted me. The call came from Anaheim, California, which is where Teresa was at the time.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/3VSQw

The Archive: https://archive.ph/ymJmB

"Dubfreque" posts pictures of what I supposedly said in tweets. I wonder who he had to photoshop those. Those that know me know that the only movies I live tweet are ones I watch on the TV at home. One big way I know these are fake is one of the hashtags is completely capitalized. I never capitalize an entire hashtag. Another way is in one tweet it claims I said I like to sit at the top of a movie theater. I don't. Always the middle. In a movie theater I never dim and silence my phone. I've always turned it off right as the previews start like decent folks do. People who know me and have been to the movies with me know this. Another thing. "Dubfreque" claims I'm lying, but he is the one doing that here. Also by claiming I live tweeted that Overboard movie. A movie I didn't see until it was out on DVD. I'm surprised he, or another of Vincenza's friends hasn't tried to do some photoshop to make it seem as if I did.


Proofs: https://www.tiktok.com/@gmileycollier78/video/7277682210369473835

This Tiktok I created shows one person that bullied me a bit before ("Mel_1245") tagging in 3 others ("SharonM_123", "Willittolife", and "Dubfreque") that have bullied me in a reply to me posting blogs in which I speak of bullying I went through. Shaz/Sharon ("SharonM_123") chimed in with a response and a photoshopped picture that made it look like I chose to like something on her Twitter timeline. I proved that I didn't. Her tweet disappeared quickly. As did the one by "Mel_1245". This is a common things with them and those close to them. they love to pull hit and runs. Shaz/Sharon sends me a Twitter DM falsely accusing me of trolling her timeline. She continues to victim blame and victim shame me.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/j60nU

Shaz/Sharon ("shazzymaynard" on Tiktok) stalks my Tiktok. She decides to a pull a sneaky tactic. To the untrained eye, it looks like she is leaving a supportive comment. Not her intention. Her intention is to let me know she is watching me and won't stop anytime soon. I know because she's done this before. Another intention of this is to make it seem like she is being supportive so that if she gets called out, the one calling her out looks like they are crazy and she can play the victim.


The Archive: https://archive.ph/DR2ET

"Dubfreque" of Twitter ("SuperFreque" of Tiktok) and "Willittolife" of Twitter ("_digitalghost_" of Tiktok) take it upon themselves to try and stalk my Tiktok. It's easy to figure out its them. They got blocked quickly.



In conclusion...

What I've shown here is only a portion of what these people, and others, have put me through. Partially because many of them have done some spring cleaning and cleaned up their social media to hide it. That and some is on suspended pages that are no longer visible. Some even left on profiles closed off from public view.

I've more than proven myself by backing up my claims in numerous ways. One of the biggest ones is showing their behavior, their claims, and explaining myself. Their claims about my behavior DO NOT MATCH my actual behavior and how I am. Hence why they like to accuse others, that aren't me, or being me. And, stuff gets photoshopped to make it look like I did and said things I'd never say or do. The way many of these people have targeted others, also backs up what I say.

Much of these people love to stalk and antagonize their victims. When they don't get a response, they create them. Whether it be from photoshop, false claims that someone else responding is them, or they create a fake profile so they can say it's them.

These people also love to insert themselves into the lives of those known to the victims. they do so mainly in one of 2 ways. They will either go on the attack right away or put up a good facade of niceness. The purpose of this isn't to know the victim or their life. The purpose is to unrattle the victim so hoping they'll lash out and rage on to their friends so they (the victim) will look crazy to their friends for raging about the nice guy/gal that's been oh so nice around/to them. Alot of bullies use this tactic to isolate their victims away from those they know.

When bullies go on the attack right away with people known to their victim, the purpose is the same as above; isolation. Either they'll try to convince the person their friend did something they didn't do in order to scare them off or they imply the abuse won't stop until they abandon them.

The same thing described in the above 2 paragraphs fits for when bullies insert themselves onto the victim's social media. Also, when it comes to the victims social media, likely they'll use fake profiles and not their own so they can feign innocence.

One of the biggest reasons these bullies are trying to scare me off of social media is because they're afraid that the longer I am around, the worse they'll look. Especially since I am not how they portray me to be. Every so often these people will come out of the woodwork to harass me. Then they'll chill our for awhile. Then they will start up again. When they do, they always try to justify it by making it look like I'm obsessed with them and love to cause drama. When in fact the opposite is true.

While alot of the people, whose bullying I showed, haven't bothered me in awhile, I still showed their abuse and bullying of me for the purpose of showing the damage Vincenza and her friends have stirred, caused, and instigated by targeting others. While some of those were pawns and believed the wrong thing, they're still responsible for the bullying they did having gone off of wrong/false information.

In closing, I think those that still bother me now and then should consider seeking help from a mental health professional to help them figure out why they feel the obsessive need to bully and stir drama just to feel whole. While I am moving on, it in no way means I am obsessed or not moving on if I document further abuse. Let's hope these people learn more positive ways to fill their days.



PS. I'm not going anywhere. Bullies don't dictate my social media presence. I DO.

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Teresa Cramer (SheSharpShoots/ImDaRelzSlimSha)

I remember Teresa. She pulled me, my husband, and a few friends of our in some DM room that she called the nicest conversation in the world. I don't called demanding you deactivate everything and leave Twitter very nice. She kept acting like she thought I, and others, were you. I saw her target you many times in tweets. The way she treated you was disgusting. She is manipulative and I hated how she tried to manipulator you into apologizing to her. You did nothing to her. She lied to you. She lied about you. She made false claims about you. She spread vicious rumors. She claimed once that you mocked her brother. I know you. You would never mock anyone on the level she claimed. Her claims of you faking tweets to escape guilt and consequences for her actions was especially disgusting. She is a terible, horrible, thoughtless, and vile person.



I never interacted with Mel_1245. She was around long after I left Twitter and stuck to Facebook. But I seen alot of what that woman.



I never interacted with or spoke to her, but I saw how she treated people. She was awful! She was the most malicious of Vinne Spina's bunch. Her trying to mess with your real life was disgusting. Like when she and Suzi Staley wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting during movies. Luckily you proved that these complaints were false because you were never at AMC Theaters on the nights she and Suzi Staley claimed. The supposed tweets they claimed was you live tweeting were easy to prove you weren't in the theater at the time Shazzy/Sharon said you were. The time stamp on them didn't match any time a showing of the movies you saw. I was happy to help you prove yourself to that theater. Luckily they gave you an apology and condemned the actions of Suzi and Shazzy/Sharon. I remember when that theater ban was lifted when you were found innocent, Shazzy/Sharon resorted to making fake profiles of you. Some to mock you in a cruel way. Some were to make you look psychotic. She is a vile and heartless bully.


Suzi Staley

This one is a vile troublemaker. She never had the chance to come after me. I blocked her before she could try. She's obsessive, disturbed, and very psychotic. It didn't matter what you said, she always tried to make it about her. I remember once you posted a picture of yourself with a lipstick filter. She tried to say you were making fun of her. She lied to others about you. She lied to Vinnie Spina and her friends so they would go after you more. She started the whole lie about you live tweeting in a movie theater. Something I know you would never do. She, along with Shazzy/Sharon wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting. I could go on all night about all the evil this woman has tried to do to slander you.



This is a nasty one! The way he threatened you just for a video of the turnout of this Avengers movie. Wow! He's very disturbed. I see videos all the time of teenagers, adults, and sometimes the elderly showing themselves out enjoying themselves. Also showing a turnout for a movie. Video of people coming out of the theater. I see those videos a few times a day. As long as you aren't focusing on a particular person, what's his damn problem? He needs to see a mental health professional.



Another vile bully on Vinnie Spina's side. He helped spread so many lies and false rumors about you. He's just as bad as those who chose to lie about you. His wife Jenjibelle is just as bad.



Assisted her husband, Willittolife, in spreading lies and rumors about you. She was disgusting for falsely portraying herself as a victim of you.



This one is a piece of work! She has relatives with autism and tries to act like she cares about those with autism, but look at how she treated you. How would she like it if someone treated her autistic relatives the same way she, Vinnie Spina, and their friends treated you?


Vinnie Spina (a1_buckwheat and adiamondpr)

She was one of the most vicious. She helped to maintain some of the fake profiles about you. The severity of the lies and rumors she helped to spread about you makes her a terrible person.


Brandon King (too many Twitter profiles suspended to name them all)

Him pretending to be your friend and then stabbing you in the back makes him as terrible as Vinnie Spina. The lies he told and the photoshop he helped do to make it look like you did/said horrible things............................horrible. Just horrible. He is one of the worst people.



The way people ganged up on you was terrible and disgusting. They all should be ashamed of themselves.

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I remember alot of this as it happened. Vinnie/Vincenza tried to turn me against you and tried to blame you for the Irontroll blogger accusing me of being you.

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I recall the viciousness of Vincenza and Sharon quite well. They turned on you when they realized they could not use you in their petty games. 


It is my opinion that Sharon is the worst. Suzi Staley as well. All for the reasons @Norrie Calvert has stated. 

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I can tell you why you were a target in 3 minutes or less.


You have autism. They see you as an easy target. It's easier to twist things about someone with autism than anyone else.

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On 12/5/2023 at 10:31 PM, Norrie Calvert said:

Teresa Cramer (SheSharpShoots/ImDaRelzSlimSha)

I remember Teresa. She pulled me, my husband, and a few friends of our in some DM room that she called the nicest conversation in the world. I don't called demanding you deactivate everything and leave Twitter very nice. She kept acting like she thought I, and others, were you. I saw her target you many times in tweets. The way she treated you was disgusting. She is manipulative and I hated how she tried to manipulator you into apologizing to her. You did nothing to her. She lied to you. She lied about you. She made false claims about you. She spread vicious rumors. She claimed once that you mocked her brother. I know you. You would never mock anyone on the level she claimed. Her claims of you faking tweets to escape guilt and consequences for her actions was especially disgusting. She is a terible, horrible, thoughtless, and vile person.



I never interacted with Mel_1245. She was around long after I left Twitter and stuck to Facebook. But I seen alot of what that woman.



I never interacted with or spoke to her, but I saw how she treated people. She was awful! She was the most malicious of Vinne Spina's bunch. Her trying to mess with your real life was disgusting. Like when she and Suzi Staley wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting during movies. Luckily you proved that these complaints were false because you were never at AMC Theaters on the nights she and Suzi Staley claimed. The supposed tweets they claimed was you live tweeting were easy to prove you weren't in the theater at the time Shazzy/Sharon said you were. The time stamp on them didn't match any time a showing of the movies you saw. I was happy to help you prove yourself to that theater. Luckily they gave you an apology and condemned the actions of Suzi and Shazzy/Sharon. I remember when that theater ban was lifted when you were found innocent, Shazzy/Sharon resorted to making fake profiles of you. Some to mock you in a cruel way. Some were to make you look psychotic. She is a vile and heartless bully.


Suzi Staley

This one is a vile troublemaker. She never had the chance to come after me. I blocked her before she could try. She's obsessive, disturbed, and very psychotic. It didn't matter what you said, she always tried to make it about her. I remember once you posted a picture of yourself with a lipstick filter. She tried to say you were making fun of her. She lied to others about you. She lied to Vinnie Spina and her friends so they would go after you more. She started the whole lie about you live tweeting in a movie theater. Something I know you would never do. She, along with Shazzy/Sharon wrote false complaints to AMC Theatres claiming you were talking on your phone and tweeting. I could go on all night about all the evil this woman has tried to do to slander you.



This is a nasty one! The way he threatened you just for a video of the turnout of this Avengers movie. Wow! He's very disturbed. I see videos all the time of teenagers, adults, and sometimes the elderly showing themselves out enjoying themselves. Also showing a turnout for a movie. Video of people coming out of the theater. I see those videos a few times a day. As long as you aren't focusing on a particular person, what's his damn problem? He needs to see a mental health professional.



Another vile bully on Vinnie Spina's side. He helped spread so many lies and false rumors about you. He's just as bad as those who chose to lie about you. His wife Jenjibelle is just as bad.



Assisted her husband, Willittolife, in spreading lies and rumors about you. She was disgusting for falsely portraying herself as a victim of you.



This one is a piece of work! She has relatives with autism and tries to act like she cares about those with autism, but look at how she treated you. How would she like it if someone treated her autistic relatives the same way she, Vinnie Spina, and their friends treated you?


Vinnie Spina (a1_buckwheat and adiamondpr)

She was one of the most vicious. She helped to maintain some of the fake profiles about you. The severity of the lies and rumors she helped to spread about you makes her a terrible person.


Brandon King (too many Twitter profiles suspended to name them all)

Him pretending to be your friend and then stabbing you in the back makes him as terrible as Vinnie Spina. The lies he told and the photoshop he helped do to make it look like you did/said horrible things............................horrible. Just horrible. He is one of the worst people.



The way people ganged up on you was terrible and disgusting. They all should be ashamed of themselves.

Were they al evicted from Hell.

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I know you're only showing a small portion of their abuse. But even so, I can see how demented these people are.

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