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Joseph Camp Begs GG for Pardon, Says He was Unlawfully Detained


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Joseph Camp Begs GG for Pardon, Says He was Unlawfully Detained

Joey Camp was not unlawfully detained. He was RIGHTFULLY detained. He knowingly spread false and fake news. I firmly believe it's because he was hoping to distract and deflect the police's attention from Jaylon Jones. That same night he harassed the police. He kept telling them where to, and not to, look. He interfered with them doing their job. He's lucky he isn't being charged with obstruction of justice and many other things.
Personally I think the law and local Belize news need to look further into Joey Camp to see what he really is.

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Joey Camp is a liar, a racist, a psychopath, a troll, and an absolute criminal. His entitlement is hideously toxic, and he's nothing but a crybaby. The police did their jobs, yet he's too butthurt and drunk on his own Kool-Aid to see the truth. I hope the law over there sees Joey Camp for the disease he really is and locks him up for as long as possible.

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