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WHO director calls for world pandemic treaty to prepare for Disease X


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WHO director calls for world pandemic treaty to prepare for Disease X


Disease X is a hypothetical "placeholder" virus that has not yet been formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a "serious international epidemic," according to a 2022 WHO press release.




"There are things that are unknown that may happen, and anything happening is a matter of when, not if, so we need to have a placeholder for that, for the diseases we don’t know," Ghebreyesus said.

Good to know.



Ghebreyesus said that independent panels and experts have been working on ways to respond in a collective fashion and that a deadline for the treaty to be signed is in May.

Well as long as it's taken care of before November. It is an election year afterall.

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5 hours ago, Goldenforce772 said:

Frankly, I am done being lied to. By the health industry. And by everyone else.

We were mislead a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. Masks did nothing. They talk about science, but forget the science. When we are stressed out, it compromises our immune system. So does lack of proper rest and nutrition. Masks won't help get past that.

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