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When Lucy stepped up - or don't you all remember?

Lucy Bradford

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I see alot of hate on Lucy because of the way she was in the season 6 opener.




Have you all forgotten what a rockstar she is? She stepped up when both Tim Bradford and Sgt Grey were in the hospital. Imagine how things would have gotten if Smitty was in charge.

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5 hours ago, Lucy Bradford said:

I see alot of hate on Lucy because of the way she was in the season 6 opener.




Have you all forgotten what a rockstar she is? She stepped up when both Tim Bradford and Sgt Grey were in the hospital. Imagine how things would have gotten if Smitty was in charge.

OK, first off, that last statement gives Lucy way too much credit. Did she step up? Yes. So did the rest of the department. Honestly, I think more credit in that situation should go to Nolan, not Lucy.

Secondly, factually calling out a character is not "hating." Lucy was unnecessarily rude and controlling to Tim in the ep. She intentionally took Tim's statements the wrong way and made it seem like he was sabotaging her and wanting her to fail when it was not the case. I, again, say that the main reason why Lucy wanted Tim to lighten up on her is so she could push him around like she did in the episode.

Honestly, I'm still upset at the way Lucy dumped Nolan many seasons ago, but hey, it really worked out for Nolan.


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1 hour ago, Philip Gipson said:

I've never really liked Lucy as a character.

I've been side-eyeing her ever since she dumped Nolan the way she did. I liked them as a couple when they started, but they way she just left him was trifling. At least it worked out for Nolan.

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