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Largest-ever COVID vaccine study links shot to small increase in heart and brain conditions

Amber Mera

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"Largest-ever COVID vaccine study links shot to small increase in heart and brain conditions"



The study, which was published in the journal Vaccine last week, found that the vaccine was linked to a slight increase in neurological, blood and heart-related medical conditions, according to a press release from GVDN


People who received certain types of mRNA vaccines were found to have a higher risk of myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle.

Some viral-vector vaccines were linked to a higher risk of blood clots in the brain, as well as an increased likelihood of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves.


Other potential risks included inflammation of part of the spinal cord after viral vector vaccines, and inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord after viral vector and mRNA vaccines, the press release stated.

While I believe wholeheartedly in being vaccinated, I also believe in being educated about the risks that come with it.

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