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Cosmic Dimensions

Iconic Actor James Earl Jones Passes Away at 93


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f**k!!!! DAMMIT!!! OMG!!! I'm in such heartbreak over this. I know every year has a select group of heartbreaking celeb deaths, but this year has been so awful! With me, it's more than Darth Vader, it's more than Coming to America, and it's more than even The Lion King! I first heard that booming voice when I was a baby. "This is CNN." Funny story:  that booming voice used to scare me as a kid. To say that James Earl Jones is an ICON would be the understatement of the century. The man gave us so so much and it all spanned multiple generations. 

Thank you so much, James Earl Jones. You gave us so much for so many years, and we will treasure those roles and moments forever.

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