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Threats with a Side of Delusions of Grandeur

In typical fashion, Brian Kemp has stated that he is "done", coupled with a few threats and a poor attempt to play the victims.


Video proof

https://www.tiktok.com/@ambermera007/video/7435727940299640106   (Tiktok)

https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCM8eWRStq0/   (Instagram)


The post that was shown within the video, but more up to date (with comments+3 likes) for those whom choose not to watch.

The post archived: https://archive.is/GmsrD

The screenshots archived:






This is nothing more than a poor attempt to portray himself as the victim.

It's no surprise that raven_73 and ambroselugano9 would click "like" upon Brian Kemp's rather phony, and overplayed, victim act. After all, they are good friends of his blinded to his true colors. One would think that raven_73, an older woman, would have the sense and maturity to look at all sides, but apparently not. By her own very statement, she is now guilty of slander, defamation, and encouraging harassment by Brian Kemp upon his victims.

Seeing the electric_coffee_co, a business, click "like" upon Brian Kemp's obvious narcissism when he's attacked alot of people, it says alot about them as a business.

I highly recommend not interacting with raven_73, ambroselugano9, and electric_coffee_co on Instagram. The recommendation is to block them on Instagram and anywhere else on social media that you find them. It's also recommended that you block anyone blindly taking Brian Kemp at his word without looking further at all the evidence.



I shall touch upon all that is said within the description.


I’m f’ing done with a certain group of cyberstalkers. I tried requesting, but y’all just keep going.

As per usual, Brian Kemp projects the truth about himself on to his victims. He continues to try and portray himself as the victim and his victims as the stalkers. In typical narcissistic fashion, Brian is never at fault and everyone else that does not drink his kool-aid is to blame.


If you can’t see the whole video, watch it here:   https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8LMt8k3/

All the video consists of is Brian Kemp continuously, and poorly, trying to falsely portray himself as the victim.


When people make stories up about you and try to hide it, but they’re still accessible or you have friends, nothing goes unnoticed. That is not stalking or harassment. What is? Blocking and unblocking someone so they have an upper hand to check your profile and use anything for their content.

The very first sentence here is very indicative of Brian Kemp being the stalker, not the victim. He makes it very obvious he will always be watching. He continues to try to falsely portray himself as the victim.


These people have defamed and slandered me to no end.

This is a false statement. All that has been said by myself, Clyde, Glen, and Casey has been coupled with proof. Showing proof is not slander or defamation. My guess is that Brian Kemp hopes that those viewing his content will not look further and continue to take him at his word.


I am not playing games any more. I told them I know people, have connections, know people who have connections, and now a legal battle begins. I am sick of this sh*t!

This is nothing more than an attempt by Brian Kemp to threaten his victims into staying silent and getting rid of all the proof of his lurking/stalking, harassment, and threats.


People who know me know that when something needs to be done, I do it. I don’t f**k around, and you all will find out soon enough.

This is just another attempt by Brian Kemp to scare his victims into removing all proof of his harassment.


What Brian Kemp fails to think about is if he didn't harass, lurk/stalk, obsess about, and threatened others, then there would be nothing to point out; prove.



Bryan isn't just attacking myself, Clyde, Glen, and Casey online. He's now resorting to attacking random people whose opinion differs from his.

The post exchange: https://archive.is/TMVkS

The archives of the screenshots






This energeticyield gives Brian Kemp a dose of truth. Brian Kemp then chooses to respond in a threatening manner because he doesn't see eye to eye with him..



All previous blogs regarding Brian J. Kemp detailing harassment, lurking/stalking, obsession, and threats.





This is all is merely further proof of Brian J. Kemp's instability, harassment, lurking/stalking, obsession, and threats.

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Recommended Comments

Billie Jean


This raven_73 "Rheda WIlson" has some nerve. I highly doubt she even tried to look at your side, Casey's side, Glen's side, or Clyde's side. She's choosing to blindly take Brian's word as some kind of gospel. It speaks volumes about her as a person.

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RE Alice


I can see 2 quite gullible commenters to Brian Kemp's Instagram post.

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All Brian has is the voices in his head. He can go f**k himself

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Philip Gipson


Brian Kemp will always be a coward hiding behind his false bravado.

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9 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

This raven_73 "Rheda WIlson" has some nerve. I highly doubt she even tried to look at your side, Casey's side, Glen's side, or Clyde's side. She's choosing to blindly take Brian's word as some kind of gospel. It speaks volumes about her as a person.

Of course Rheda (raven_73) will take Brian's side. That's his mother. To her, he can't possibly ever be wrong.

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2 hours ago, Philip Gipson said:

Brian Kemp will always be a coward hiding behind his false bravado.

Brian should consider seeing a psychiatrist.

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Cheerleader Vicky


Oh wow! I am so sorry I ever thought Carissa was the problem. Oh wow! Brian is psychotic and delusional.

Cheerleader Vicky


14 hours ago, Caretaker said:

Of course Rheda (raven_73) will take Brian's side. That's his mother. To her, he can't possibly ever be wrong.

If she was a good mother, she wouldn't be encouraging his behavior.

  • Agree 1
Damien Darhk


This Brian Kemp is a very shady and unscrupulous character. He is very mentally unwell. He's abused more than Carissa. It didn't take too long for me to find that out. If he had any integrity, he would own up to what he did. He'd get some backlash, sure. But it would serve him well in the long run; better as well. Alot can be said for someone with enough integrity to own what they did and work towards being better.


All he is accomplishing by harassing those who stand up to him is showing what an awful person he is and can be.

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Norrie Calvert


Brian is very unstable, but he's just a whiny troll.

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