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Velner and His Crew Continue to be Criminal Harassers


Throughout history, there have been some horrible and fiendish cults; groups such as the Peoples Temple, NXIVM, and worst of all, the Minnesota Vikings fanbase. In recent days, a new hideous cult has reared it's ugly head, and it's led by a nutcase named Velner. Velner spends every one of his many, many hours on Twitch as he slanders "Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl"; telling so many lies that his followers drink it up like cheap beer. Lies such as saying that HM from Quetz and "Hannahmontana from Asura" are one in the same, lying about HM from Quetz and I being the same person, a vicious and disgusting lie that HM from Quetz insulted Velner's cat, Danders, and said that the cat should be skinned. All lies from Velner, and they should not be believed, but his idiot sheep followers take them as gospel.

Check out this blog where HM from Quetz decides to finally play as HM from Asura. After all, if she's going to be accused of being HM from Asura, she may as well do it:


So Velner gets rightfully called out by HM from Quetz, and by myself as well. And what's the fallout? Harassment from Velner's followers on all sorts of platforms. Here's a look.

First off, this screenshot from Reddit featuring a reply from a clown named "Feisty_Mulberry1873" saying, "Nice sock account reply." I had never heard of that phrase, so I did some digging. A sock account, also known as a sock puppet or research account, is a fake online identity that someone creates to hide their true identity. So Mr. Mulberry Bush is saying that the account they replied to is HM from Quetz. It's not. It's mine. CEDJunior is me. So Mr. Mulberry Bush was responding to me and assuming that I'm HM from Quetz. So to him, I must be a White woman. Seriously, if they can't tell the difference between a Black man and a White woman, then they are really beyond any form of saving. Here's the screenshot:


Archive:  https://archive.is/4ENKz

Next up, this idiot named "Poofenplotz" decided to bully HM from Quetz with their dumb f**k reply. I'll have to divide it into segments. First off, the moron says, "You and both your alts need to be banned for bullying." Listen, Poof the Magic Dragon, standing up to bullying is not bullying. I recognize sh*t comments like this because I've been on the receiving end of them; I call out racism, yet I get accused of being "anti-White" when I do it. f**king clowns. Also, he's saying I'm an "alt." I'm no alt. I'm a completely different person who is not HM from Quetz. Poof also says that "your name doesn't cross Velner's mind until you do weird sh*t like this." That's a lie. All Velner does is mention HM from Quetz. It's his life's blood. He has to do it to remain relevant. Here's the screenshot:


Archive:  https://archive.is/xolIU

Finally, we have this bit from Velner's stream, and it features two of his followers showing that they still believe that lie Velner told about HM from Quetz insulting his cat. "BenInAlaska" saying "I would never hurt a cat" was that idiot mocking HM from Quetz calling out that lie against her. Another clown, "Vaeyaden" had the gall to say, "When people make up things to garner sympathy, it flippin' sucks." Ummm, Vaeyaden? You're describing Velner. Velner's the one making sh*t up to sympathy. Plain and sympathy. Here's the screenshot:


Archive:  https://archive.is/MF0SL

Other than being a deranged gaslighter, Velner is not a good pet owner. That's another thing HM from Quetz does much better than Velner. Velner pays very little attention to Danders, and only does so when Danders walks up to him. Even then, Velner shows off his cat just enough to satisfy his followers. In short, he uses Danders for clout. HM from Quetz gives her cats full attention while she plays, because she actually cares about her cats. The same can't be said about Velner regarding Danders. And speaking of his gaslighting, I recently watched an episode of My Crazy Ex, titled "Exposed, De-clothed & Seriously Hosed," which was the fourth episode of the show's second season. The first segment featured a woman, Valerie, who made her ex-boyfriend's life hell by slandering him to her group of followers for clout. In fact, Valerie used her boyfriend for clout throughout their relationship, and when she was dumped, she gaslit her followers into believing that he was mistreating her. Gee, that sounds familiar! Where have I seen gaslighting like this before? Oh yeah! From Velner. He's just like that nutty woman featured in that episode. Two peas in a deranged pod.

Check out my video where I call out Velner and his cult:

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Shelley Awesome


You're a black man. HM from Quetz is a white female. How can Velner and co get you both mixed up?

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They need to move on and leave @GMC78sGaming alone.


By these jackals continuously harassing her and ranting about her, they only prove what awful people they are. 

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Philip Gipson


Velner and his minions are literal cowards for ever wanting to attack innocent people.

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Billie Jean


What an empty life Velner must have. I feel sorry for him.

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Teen Wolf Senior


Velner needs to consider regular appointments with a psychologist. He might also benefit from anger management. 

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Teen Wolf Senior


23 hours ago, Angie said:

They need to move on and leave @GMC78sGaming alone.


By these jackals continuously harassing her and ranting about her, they only prove what awful people they are. 

Velner is the worst of them.

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