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MyCrownIsHeavy's Web of Delusion, Bullying, and Deception

It's a wonderful August day. The NFL season is a month away. A MONTH! I'm still planning my next few Fantasy Football drafts. The sun is shining, all is well...

...until MyCrownIsHeavy had to spread all over like the fungus he is.

This whole thing started with a simple discussion about a Lifetime movie. The exact movie was "The Killer With No Name," which aired very recently on Lifetime Movie Network. One person, Casey, watched it and wasn't a fan of the film, and she stated that Lifetime movies that feature podcasts aren't good. I chimed in with polite disagreement; I mentioned The Podcast Murders, which came out in 2022, and added that I loved that movie because it cheered me up after having to watch the Yankees get eliminated by the--ugh--Asstros. Casey said she wasn't a fan of that movie either. This was a nice and good convo between Casey and myself, and then MyCrownIsHeavy had to ruin it by mocking Casey with that "Are you OK?" bullsh*t.

The "Are you OK?" bullsh*t is a bullying tactic; MCIH sent that exact reply to Casey because he wanted to mock her for her stance on the Lifetime movie. People who use "Are you OK?" want to portray someone as having something wrong with them mentally just because they have a difference of opinion. That's what MCIH was doing to Casey; he was trying to claim that something was wrong with Casey, when all Casey did was say that she didn't like "The Killer With No Name." I know this tactic very well, I've had it done to me a lot of times by other bullies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Casey. All she did was say that she wasn't thrilled with that movie. That's it. 

I called all of the bullsh*t involving MyCrownIsHeavy and "Sista_Loc" out on Tiktok:  



Of course, MCIH and Sista_loc have been pitching their hissy fit over being called out. This link has the screenshots of their disturbing tweets:  https://imgur.com/a/5MxB7Cg

And here are the archives:





Casey called out their nonsense on her own blog after I posted my Tiktok:  


So what's MCIH doing now? Well, he's doing a lot of lying and deflecting, and I mean a lot of it. So MCIH had the gall to send Cosmic Dimensions a series of DMs demanding that the blog and the tweet with the blog be taken down. He later turned the subject to Casey. MCIH said that Casey accused him of being a groomer. She never made that accusation. MCIH said that Casey inferred that he might have children tied up in his basement. She never, ever inferred that. Casey simply said that a former friend of hers was like MCIH; meaning that they would both uses their LGBT orientation to get away with their stuff. it was Casey's former friend who had the children tied up in his basement; she never said it was MCIH who did that. All Casey did was call MCIH out for sending a d**k pic to Casey's 14-y.o. neighbor. MCIH said that Casey's comments had been removed because he reported them to TikTok and Twitter. That's another lie. When the same tweet is over reported, it becomes hidden to the person reporting it, which prevents said person from reporting the tweet over and over. That's the case. MCIH has been abusing that "report tweet" option. Gee, I wonder what that means. I think it means that Twitter knows full well that MCIH is the real problem and that he's repeatedly b***hing because he's butthurt over being rightfully called out. Hmmm. 

Also, MCIH is claiming to have proof of all of this, yet he's not showing it and not explaining why he's not showing it. So he's clearly lying about this "proof," because when someone says they have proof and they don't show it on the spot, and they give zero explanation as to why, they're clearly lying and trying to buy time to "create" some "proof." About MCIH's LGBT orientation, he's been conveniently revealing it after he's been called out for the stuff he's doing. MCIH never mentioned his orientation until that moment. It's only when he can benefit from it and try to get away with sending the lewd pic that he's a proud member of the community all of a sudden. Other than that, MyCrownIsHeavy doesn't care about the LGBT community.

I had asked Cosmic Dimensions if they got anything or if they were harassed for linking the blog publicly. They told me they had received a DM from MCIH, and I asked if I could see the DMs that they were sent.  After I was shown the DMs, I received permission to use the screenshots of MCIH's DMs for this blog. They are all featured in this link:  https://imgur.com/a/9pR4rsj

And here are the archive links. The first two archive links feature the DMs from MCIH. The third link features Casey's tweet, which explains that it was a former friend of hers who had kids locked in the basement. She never said it was MCIH who did that:




The bottom line:  MyCrownIsHeavy needs to get a life, and get a clue, and stop lying. He went from bullying to flat out slander, and he's immensely threatened by proven facts. He needs to get the hell over it. Period.

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Saw Tooth


The victim complex is strong with MyCrownIsHeavy.

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Philip Gipson


MyCrownIsHeavy is full of all kinds of stupid.

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Shelley Awesome


It is so sick he uses his own community to act like he did nothing wrong. I agree with you and Casey. He uses the fact he is LGBT to excuse and deflect.

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Stay Puft


I hope being an actor isn't on his list of life goals because he is a terrible actor. 

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MyCrownIsHeavy has the nerve to lie and say I'm sick and to twist my words! He is a special kind of twisted.


He is the one that tried to antagonize me. He is the one that kept lying about me in public. He is the one that has harassed me.

He is the one whining and b***hing to the Cosmcdimensions Twitter page in hopes the admins will be stupid enough to listen to his terrible victim act. Fat chance since I've more than proven myself and he has only proven what a drama king he is.

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Spirit Squad


I shared a link in a few LGBT groups on Facebook. From some of the comments I see, MyCrownIsHeavy is not well liked. A lot are angry he is shaming the community with his behavior. One person said, "Those like him are a problem and why so many of us are unjustly accused of being groomers."

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Fairy Godfather


I saw a post pinned to the X profile of a Avspackersfan. I use to follow Mycrownisheavy, but I unfollowed him because something about him always seemed a little bit off. While he is LGBT, he is a very poor example of, and for, the LGBT community. I get the vibe that, to him, the LGBT community exists to use to excuse his poor behavior and absolve him off it. I'm speaking of more than that d**k pic to Casey's neighbor. When it comes to the accusations against him, he flaunts that he is LGBT and behaves as if that means he couldn't possibly be guilty. The way he approached Cosmcdimensions is very telling of his mentality. He starts trying to portray himself as the victim and Casey as mentally unwell. Then he blocks. If he was really the victim in this case, he would not have blocked Cosmcdimensions and instead tried to have a discussion. On his timeline, he's done some back and forth with Sista_loc couple with some name calling with some mild calls for targeting Casey. He tells Cosmcdimensions to remove Casey's blog and their post showing it as he is lying through his teeth. He overdoes it on the act of playing victim. I am ashamed that Mycrownisheavy is even part of the LGBT community. People such as him only serve as a cause for more unjust hate we all get.

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9 hours ago, Fairy Godfather said:

I saw a post pinned to the X profile of a Avspackersfan. I use to follow Mycrownisheavy, but I unfollowed him because something about him always seemed a little bit off. While he is LGBT, he is a very poor example of, and for, the LGBT community. I get the vibe that, to him, the LGBT community exists to use to excuse his poor behavior and absolve him off it. I'm speaking of more than that d**k pic to Casey's neighbor. When it comes to the accusations against him, he flaunts that he is LGBT and behaves as if that means he couldn't possibly be guilty. The way he approached Cosmcdimensions is very telling of his mentality. He starts trying to portray himself as the victim and Casey as mentally unwell. Then he blocks. If he was really the victim in this case, he would not have blocked Cosmcdimensions and instead tried to have a discussion. On his timeline, he's done some back and forth with Sista_loc couple with some name calling with some mild calls for targeting Casey. He tells Cosmcdimensions to remove Casey's blog and their post showing it as he is lying through his teeth. He overdoes it on the act of playing victim. I am ashamed that Mycrownisheavy is even part of the LGBT community. People such as him only serve as a cause for more unjust hate we all get.

MyCrownIsHeavy is an absolute clown who only acts like a proud member of the LGBT community only when it suits him. I think he's another Jillian Michaels; he'd sell out his own community if he had the chance to do so. Every marginalized community has a number of members who would agree with or side with anything that harm their own community. I wouldn't be shocked if MCIH is one of those people. He's an absolute prick and a clown.

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Amber Mera


When I saw his exchange with you and another friend, I took a look out at the situation myself. He seemed familiar. I thought that he might be an old friend of mine I use to speak with on Reddit. So I sent him a DM and asked what his Reddit username was. Instead of asking why I wanted to know, he chose to block and trash talk me as if I was out to get him. 


Had he chosen to be a mature adult and asked why I wanted to know, I'd have told him I thought he was someone I knew and left it at that. But, I guess we will never have the answer to that question. 

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I am disgusted that MyCrownIsHeavy would behave this way. After reading your blog and @Angie's, I'll be in following and blocking him. I use to enjoy his Lifetime movie tweets. Not anymore now. 

  • Awesome 1
Juliet Starling


Word about this jerk is getting around! I made a post in an LGBT groups on Facebook too. There's 128 comments condemning him about how he uses the LGBT community. Atleast 3 of those commenters appear to know him personally.

Juliet Starling


On 8/10/2024 at 10:32 PM, Amber Mera said:

When I saw his exchange with you and another friend, I took a look out at the situation myself. He seemed familiar. I thought that he might be an old friend of mine I use to speak with on Reddit. So I sent him a DM and asked what his Reddit username was. Instead of asking why I wanted to know, he chose to block and trash talk me as if I was out to get him. 


Had he chosen to be a mature adult and asked why I wanted to know, I'd have told him I thought he was someone I knew and left it at that. But, I guess we will never have the answer to that question. 

Expecting that guy to be mature is like expecting a politician to be honest. 

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